Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Final reflective Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
concluding reflective - Term Paper ExampleThe film itself is for the most part always in reflection. These reflections are most often not varying shades of gray, but in contrasting dark and light, disgraceful and white. From a technical standpoint, lighting in the film tells a story all its own that the coach has certainly intended. By his use of light or white to represent the good and higher principles, and his executing of shadows and darkness to represent the more nefarious ideations in the impressions, Welles rummages around in our psyches to evince a reaction to the scenes before word one is spoken. We are certainly instinctively programmed to trust the light, because you can take hold of more, and distrust the mysterious darkness. Welles uses this as his own commentary on his characters as well as social commentary and the greater society. It is likewise interesting to think how Welles would have done this word-painting if color filmmaking were more in vogue. Also int eresting that Welles, fascinateing the world through absolutes of black and white, also parallels this with newsprint and running a newspaper where stores are all there in black and white. once more this also represents the search for knowledge.It is interesting to note the progression of light and darkness in Kane as the movie progresses as well. The movie begins, as many good tales do, at the end. Kane murmering those famous words, Rosebud and dropping the snow globe. He is in the darkest of rooms, you cant even see him, the snow globe however is well lit. When we see Charlie as a child he is in the whites and brightest of scene, virgin snow. As he progresses scenes alternate betwixt light and dark depending on the event, but overall the brightness tends to recede and Kanes character becomes darker as he is more stained by the realties of life.There is certainly also an element of realism, a objective
Monday, April 29, 2019
The current status of childhood obesity on measured outcomes Essay
The current status of childhood fleshiness on measured outcomes - Essay ExampleA child who attends a public school and is desirable for national school lunch and school breakfast programs has a higher prevalence of BMI than one attending private school (Hooker, 2009, p. 100). Approximately 70% of the children being obese have a cardiovascular hazard while on the other hand, 30% of them are at risk of hypertension (MMWR, 2011, p. 42). Due to change magnitude concern about the condition, an initiative needs to be started to reduce child prevalence of obesity.The research indicates that the obesity levels are increasing tremendously especially with the increasing low child activity with one arcminute on TV and playing games being associated with 0.08%-1.4% increase in obesity (MMWR, 2011).For the condition to be reversed, children are to be encouraged to participate in physical activities such as games. This will play a great role in reversing the condition and reducing the escal ating
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Bilingualism and diglossia Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Bilingualism and diglossia - Assignment ExampleI will look closely at classic and increase diglossia, diglossia as a continuum, touch upon diglossia at bottom the context of vocabulary shift and relationship between diglossia and speech communication varieties. I will incorporate critical opinions of distinguished researchers within the framework of the discussion to provide conformity and comprehensiveness of the analysis and illustrate differences and similarities between diglossia and bilingualism with a digit of examples of the way people interact within communities of such countries as Switzerland, Germany, Italy or New Zealand.Whether diglossia is really a kind of bilingualism is disputed. While a number of researchers categorize diglossia exclusively within the framework of bilingualism, others, to the contrary, treat diglossia and bilingualism as two separate linguistic phenomena in their own right, which tend to overlap each other. In this essay I will touch upon appr oximately aspects of diglossia within the context of its relation to bilingualism referring to the studies of the researchers who stress on both similarities and differences between diglossia and bilingualism. According to Charles Ferguson, who first introduced the conceit of diglossia into linguistic discourse in 1959, diglossia and bilingualism are closely related notions (Ferguson, 1959). Diglossia is a widespread sociolinguistic phenomenon that applies to a situation within the framework of one speech community, when speakers use two or more wording varieties depending on communicative context switching from either local dialect to the literary standard language or vice versa (Ferguson, 1959). For instance, a speaker may use a local dialect of Italian language when communicating to his/her family members at home or friends in informal atmosphere and switch to the literary standard Italian during public speech in formal atmosphere or during a dialogue with compatriots from oth er regions of Italy. It must be noted that according to Ferguson, diglossia is
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Intervention Informed by Theory- Critical Exploration, Explanation and Essay
Intervention Informed by Theory- Critical Exploration, interpretation and Demonstration of Intervention Form - Essay ExampleThe present research has identified that experiential encyclopaedism offers an alternative and needed a mode of nurture for many of Scotlands youth, which in the regular production line of their traditional schooling are in a way deprived of more experiential acquisition modes because of an emphasis on book and academic learning for most of the academic year. Experiential youth learning via targeted interventions that deal with sensitive and potentially traumatic life circumstances have great value for those involved, and for the bigger community too. Often young people in difficult situations have no one to offer to, and academics and school learning seem irrelevant in such instances. The experiences are too raw, and the impact not always fully understood, and there is a need to provide avenues for going those experiences and to transform them into learn ing and self-improvement opportunities. It is not difficult to see, moreover, from the wealth of academic literature on the various aspects of experiential learning as they apply in youth learning contexts that there is a rich and fertile ground for geographic expedition that is available for both educators and learners. The literature is rich and therefore there is enough theoretical grounding to be able to successfully launch an exploration of an intervention along these lines, and in the process come up with a robust approach and a viable set of techniques to give flesh to the proposed intervention here. The comprehensiveness of the literature pertains to the value of experiential learning to process youth experiences that are often difficult to do so otherwise. In the context of this discussion, when we talk of experiential learning or learning that is experience-based, we are referring to the analogous set of concepts tied to that learning mode where the learner and his or her experiences are central to the learning process or are the starting points of the learning process.
Friday, April 26, 2019
The Education System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The reading System - Essay fountWhat measures are we go forthing to take in order to achieve it What brass are we going to chime in to our information so that we could produce individuals fit for this society Are we willing to sacrifice and violate or so values such as the values of privacy and freedom just to attain this so c aloneed utter(a) society And if we do, will it be worth it What would have become of us as human beingsEducation is one way to implement discipline or a desired behavior of any sort. after(prenominal) in all, it is undeniable that a nations education system greatly influences the kind of citizens it has. The peoples discipline, values, and way of living are all affected by the kind of education they were able to attain, since we all know that, before being subject to the real world where we have to work, we have to go through education. Un little we are home schooled and aside from after-school(prenominal) influences, we learn everything else in sch ool manners, culture, academics. If the education system of a society can be change and manoeuvreled by one person, there is a great chance that he will gain control over all of the society.In Paulo Freires banking theory of education from his book Pedagogy of the Oppressed, he argues that society uses education to avoid people from intervening in what they have created as the perfect society. They have come up with a system that does not allow students to think rather they are only receptacles of teachings or deposits. He said that the banking concept of education regards men as adaptable, manageable beings. The more students work at storing the deposits entrusted to them, the less they develop the critical consciousness which would result from their intervention in the world as transformers of that world. In this concept, students receive what the teachers give. They dont have a perception or an opinion of their own. They are only to record, memorize, and repeat without thinking . (Freire, Chapter 2). This way, it will be sure that no one stands up to change anything in the system. The more completely they stomach the passive role imposed on them, the more they tend simply to adapt to the world as it is and to the fragmented view of reality deposited in them. Thus his idea of the students being the oppressed and the education system being oppressive because the system has removed the students ability to think creatively and at the selfsame(prenominal) time, be contributors to the learning process so they dont only listen.Michael Foucaults concept of Panopticism, on the other hand, introduces a mechanism that involves instruments, techniques, and procedures to be able to suppress and control peoples minds to make sure that discipline reigns over society as a whole (Foucault, Part 3 Discipline). Although this is a completely separate idea, the concept of gaining power and control is the same with Freires banking concept. In Foucaults book Discipline and Pun ish, Part Three, he compares panopticism with a aversion affected town. The kindle can be an illness, or a symbolic disorder of rebellions, crimes, and vagabondage. In order to contain this plague and avoid any contagions, a system was built to supervise each and every citizen in all their movements. The town was closed and they were prohibited to leave town in pain of death. All events were under inspection and everything was recorded. From this concept, Foucault discusses a style of architecture from Jeremy Benthams idea wherein
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Knowledge management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Knowledge management - Essay ExampleConversely, knowledge management views knowledge as a tacit concept that is resident in individuals and establishments.Information management seeks to enhance internal processes and go out the quality of business operations whilst knowledge management seeks to facilitate knowledge-rich relations and support ongoing renewal and development. Most Information Management Systems are based on business processes that are clearly defined, relatively stable and involve similar objects such as applications, invoices, and orders. Examples of such business processes include production processes, logistics, and administration. On the other hand, knowledge management systems are dynamic and difficult to predict because different times and situations take in different knowledge. The people involved in knowledge management do not need information. Rather, they wait on for background information, argumentations, conclusions, methods, opinions, analyses and be st practices.Knowledge management strategy is primarily the domain of human preference theatre director and its significance to the director explains this. The strategy helps formalize, store, share, distribute, and coordinate an organizations knowledge assets all of which are functions that equate on the work of the human resource director. The director is able to modify the culture of an organization in such a way that the organizations values and norms seamlessly connect with the knowledge management strategy. clement resource director is able to promote a climate of trust and commitment in an organization in order to make it easy to manage knowledge. This director has the capacity to organize an organizations employees in to networks, teams, and communities of practice in order to enhance sharing of knowledge.The strategy also helps human resource director to influence an organization to adopt policies that encourage the hiring and
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Encounter Point Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
risk Point - Movie Review ExampleThe issues of land and water are especially important factors since the domain in which these countries lie has arid and semi arid conditions. Due to inadequacy of water, there has been a difference of opinion concerning the control of water sources (Tesssler 67).Another factor that has contributed to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the Muslim insurgency in the region. Most attacks in the Middle East are terrorist attacks whereby Israelis face growing attacks from insurgent militias and terrorist groups from all countries in the region in support of Palestine. In response, Israeli retaliates with attacks also. This has ensured that the Palestine-Israeli conflict has persisted for years despite efforts by the international community to kick the violence. However, the International community seems to favor Israel and this has worsened the peace in the region since the Arab world feels that Palestine is organism fairly untreated. Despite numerous peace accords and ventures, the insurgency seems to be rising and enmity between these cardinal states worsens. However, those that suffer are the civilians. Most of the attacks in the conflict are directed at villages, railway terminals, four-in-hand terminals, churches, and mosques etc, where many people assemble. This has led to death and suffering of very many civilian Palestinians and Israeli (Tessler 68).This movie is based on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, whereby people have decided to use non violent means to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. heap have decided that since it is civilians who suffer in the conflict, it is civilians themselves who can ensure that such conflict is suppressed so that peace prevails. The producers spent a total of 4 years in coming up with this documentary. take in movie examines the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in detail by analyzing the lives of various
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Grammar as an Essential Part of Each Language Assignment
Grammar as an Essential Part of Each quarrel - Assignment ExampleAccording to the research findings, a instructors lyric is just needed to be correct because it provide be the modelings for students to follow. It is especially true for those, whose first language is not English. Consequently, an ESL/EFL teacher has to know both descriptive and prescriptive grammar in order to teach students to communicate correctly. While descriptive grammar can be learned by students from examples (via reading, listening, and then imitation), it is important for them to know prescriptive grammar as rise up in order to be able to form own sentences correctly and independently from the models provided in class. Therefore, in my opinion, a future ESL/EFL teacher should know, and be ready to teach the prescriptive grammar rules. This knowledge pull up stakes ease to both structures the teaching process and clarify certain grammatical aspects for the students. In addition, knowledge of the basic rules of grammar will help the teacher to form own sentences correctly, and, as a result, be a good example for the students to follow. So, the correctness of the teachers speech adds to the students learning. Besides, the teacher must understand the basic rules of grammar because otherwise, one will not be able to teach grammar effectively. While such understanding involves the correctness of the teachers own speech, it also requires some additional knowledge that will help to explain to the students why this or that sentences is formed in a particular way. If students do not understand the reasons, they are usually flimsy to be able to form own correct sentences without the supportive examples. On the contrary, when students know the rules to follow, they are much likely to use them in independent speech or writing. Another important aspect of language for the teacher to know is metalanguage vocabulary used to describe the language. It is a tool for the teacher to explain gram mar rules to the students.
E-business strategy and design exercise Assignment
E-business strategy and design exercise - Assignment ExampleThe value proposition of the fraternity has likewise been explained in this part. In the second section, few of the areas where improvement need of amazon have been identified were assessed and correspondingly, suggestive measures have been recommended on the basis of the evaluations made in section 1. In the third and final section of the paper, the e-business strategies of Amazon along with its management issues have been explained. Introduction E-business has emerged as one of the pivotal concerns for every modern-day business that strives to mark its presence in the global realm and obtain competitive success everywhere its long-run performance. In the present market scenario, most of the global companies have realized that with the adoption of the e-business strategy, they pile develop their business model in a manner that satisfies the varying demand and diversified concerns of worldwide business partners as well as customers. If the meaning of e-business is to be termed in general sense, it can be justifiably described as the use of internet or the virtual space in the operative activities of the business to gain a leading position within the targeted market (Turban et al., 2010). When focusing on this character matter, Amazon.com Inc has often been regarded as an example of best practices in its labor whereby its e-business model has been quite beneficial and fecund in adding value to its services among its customers (Damani & Damani, 2007). Amazon, an American multinational, is one of the renowned and largest global e-commerce retailing companies. Amazon has been a pioneer in the application of e-commerce business model that runs its functions by virtual space entirely. It is not solitary(prenominal) involved in the selling of books and other products, but also renders due significance on forum the valuable suggestions from the buyers so as to define its customer satisfaction and industrial leadership competencies. It records various movements of its buyers such(prenominal) as the number of visitors who visit its site and how much time do they spend on it bandage purchasing from a particular category of its product line. All these movements of the buyers are utilised by the company in order to analyse the buying behaviour of consumers in various targeted markets to identify its developmental needs along with its growth potentials. Through the advanced technologies of the e-business, Amazon has been successful in introducing the one stop shop trend successfully (McGraw-Hill Education, 2013). Section 1 Effective technological tools Amazon has been operating with a missionary post and a vision to serve its customers as per their conveniences and in a productive manner for the company. Undoubtedly, in doing so, the company has to witness pressures from various international business forces that can be comprehensively addressed through the application of a PESTEL analysis framework. Political. From a critical point of view, it can be observed that because the e-retail effort is yet in its developing phase within the global context, governmental interventions and political limitations bestowed on the industry as well as faced by Amazon correspondingly, is less. Subsequently, the international sale procedure of Amazon involves various risks mainly in terms of the requirement for import and export licensing that
Monday, April 22, 2019
Partition of India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Partition of India - bear witness ExampleThe first study revolt against the British command occurred in 1857 when the soldiers of the British Indian soldiers carried out a mutiny and offered their services to the Mughal Emperor. This mutiny quickly spread to former(a) parts of India and it is argued that the uprising, which in earnest threatened the British rule in India, was undoubtedly the culmination of mounting Indian resentment toward the favorable and semipolitical policies perpetrated by the British over many decades. The mutiny was eventu altogethery thwarted. Nonetheless, all political queen was now transferred from the East India Company to the Crown and in 1858, Britain began to directly control just about of India. The late ordinal and azoic twentieth century would see the crop of new political parties and ideological groups which continually called for the residue to direct British rule in India. With the kibosh of the Second World War, the Indian subcontin ent witnessed a major political power shift that not lonesome(prenominal) emancipated the country from colonial rule, but besides divided the nation into two independent countries, India and Pakistan. The political leaders from these two countries, having fought together for independence from the British, at long last concocted schemes for the division and partition of the country. The plans for the partition started as early as the end of nineteenth century with the performance of the British divide and conquer strategy. Under this administrative policy, the British worsened the existing conflicts.... However, the British rule turned increasingly unpopular (Singh 1990).The first major revolt against the British rule occurred in 1857 when the soldiers of the British Indian Army carried out a mutiny and offered their services to the Mughal Emperor. This mutiny quickly spread to other parts of India and it is argued that the uprising, which seriously threatened the British rule in India, was undoubtedly the culmination of mounting Indian resentment toward the social and political policies perpetrated by the British over many decades. The mutiny was eventually thwarted. Nonetheless, all political power was now transferred from the East India Company to the Crown and in 1858, Britain began to directly control most of India. However, the clamour for equal rights and independence mounted. The late nineteenth and early twentieth century would see the growth of new political parties and ideological groups which continually called for the end to direct British rule in India. With the end of the Second World War, the Indian subcontinent witnessed a major political power shift that not only emancipated the country from colonial rule, but also divided the nation into two independent countries, India and Pakistan. The political leaders from these two countries, having fought together for independence from the British, ultimately concocted schemes for the division and p artition of the country. The plans for the partition started as early as the end of nineteenth century with the implementation of the British divide and conquer strategy. Under this administrative policy, the British worsened the existing conflicts between the Hindu and the Muslim
Sunday, April 21, 2019
M2A2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
M2A2 - Essay ExampleThese individuals may lead the followers to failure by pass too much time socializing and having fun not to mention letting the followers to be extremely free of responsibilities. Such people cannot be effective loss leaders if results are expected to be seen within certain duration.Attitudes may hinder or enforce the leadership qualities of an individual. This is because attitudes are connected with emotions which propose an individual behave in a rational or irrational manner when communicating with others. leaders with attitude problems (negative attitude) tend to be very pessimist even to the work of his or her followers. This may demoralize and demotivate them therefrom leading to the failure of a course or organization (Ricketts and Ricketts 2010).Values are acquired through socialization process by polar socialization agents like family, school and media. The personal values of an individual may affect their leadership. If for example a person has s taunch moral values, he or she will keep up principles of integrity and democracy not to mention right-hand(a) governance hence becoming a good leader.One of the strategies is to have emotional and social intelligence which will ensure the leader understands their emotions and attitudes and that of others and will hence be considerate and understanding to the followers hence overcoming weaknesses. The other is to have therapies to manage the personal weaknesses the leader may have that hinder him or her from becoming an effective and efficient leader.Situational variables reflect communication of different types of leaders to their followers. It involves defining the tasks accurately and clearly and also understanding the physical and social surroundings that may hinder him or her to be a good leader. These factors may help an individual develop his or her leadership in a way that both the followers and other stakeholders will be collateral to the organizations endeavors.The org anizational variables that may
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Undocumented, Indispensable by Anna Quinden Essay
Undocumented, Indispensable by Anna Quinden - Essay casefulThe primary claim of the author that immigrant issue has already assumed a proportion that has to be turn to seriously was well positioned. Quinden did not put her main argument nonchalantly or straightforwardly only when rather, she used colorful descriptions and analogies that engage the readers. She used the description of geologic earthquake and comparing the march to the some other important marches much(prenominal) as march about Vietnam War and feminist rallies. After gentle the reader about her claim, she then conditioned the reader to her arguments that there side of the arguments that were not considered about immigrants such as their contributions through the taxes they pay that they may in point be the one helping to sustainment the system afloat. It also helped to mention that they are being demonized as social costs when in fact they work and also contribute to the social security yet not entitled to fu ll benefits. In essence, Quinden humanized the issue that immigrants are not devils or social security malaise that drains our resources but rather as individuals who helps to pull through our way of life. They may have kept wages down but they also keep the prices our homes cheap and ensure that our foods are cheap. Such, many employers who are also campaign contributors turn their eyes the other way about the in-migration status of their worker. And perhaps they may be doing this because they are waiting for immigration laws to be more responsive to the reality of the times. Immigrants are workers and therefore are taxpayers.
Friday, April 19, 2019
HUMAN RESOURCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
HUMAN RESOURCE - Essay ExampleIn this paper we would understand the temper and the role of the learners or the employees in the process of training of the employees. We would sign up the study of the different skill theories and the learning styles of the individuals. Further we undertake the study of the planning and the designing procedures of the training and the development programs. We undertake case studies to evaluate the design of the training programs undertaken in different organizations. We also evaluate the purpose of the evaluation of the programs finally the study of the initiatives provided by the government in the training of the employees is undertaken.Teaching or development and learning are interactional and two way processes. People are different from each other and have different styles or methods of learning. Teaching is a process of intervening in the learning habits so as to help in the learning procedure. The HRD team aims at involving the employees in new experiences and opportunities. There are different theories that have been substantial for the learning styles and the procedures of the subject. Each theory has a different approach to the procedure of learning. Under this section we undertake the study of the learning theories developed by lamb and Mumford (1982) and Kolb (1979) to analyze the different learning styles.Honey and Mumford (1982) Honey and Mumford undertook studies to develop a learning style questionnaire (LSQ), this questionnaire helps in understanding the preferred learning style of a individual. The study of Honey and Mumford (1982) divide the learners and classify them into four different sub groups. The questionnaire developed by them helps the appointment and the classification of the individual into the sub group. The groups have been classified according to the traits, environments and the participation of the individuals in the learning procedure. The
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Breast Feeding Versus Bottle Feeding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Breast Feeding Versus Bottle Feeding - Essay ExampleTheories close Breast Feeding Often linked inextricably with the phrase the most natural thing in the world, titty nutrition remains the most recommended and professionally supported method of nutrition your newborn. medical exam professionals recommend feeding your baby titmouse draw exclusively for the first 6 months (LICH Pediatrics, 2011). Other foods or formula should only be introduced gradually after this. The NHS website (2012) outlines the numerous advantages of breastfeeding for both you and your baby. The main benefits are it is a source of optimal and natural nutrition which cannot be replicated, it builds babies immune system, it promotes a bond between sire and baby and it lowers the risk of infections, other common baby ailments and developing certain chronic diseases. Breast milk is also more easily absorbed and digested by babies compared to formula. Of course the practicality of breastfeeding is also a plu s its available anytime, its always a suitable temperature and its free. It also has health benefits for mum as it speeds up metabolism and helps in losing excess weight after childbirth. Studies deliver also shown that breast feeding yields a protective effect in mums against developing premenopausal breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis (Kumar, 2012). Theories about Bottle Feeding Bottle feeding is an option many mothers carry. Very often, mothers simply are not comfortable breast feeding and turn to bottle feeding as an alternative. Nowadays, commercially prepared babe formulas are of a very high nutritional quality and are designed to mimic breast milk as much as possible (LICH Paediatrics, 2011). Though most feeding theories recommend the breast over the bottle, they do still acknowledge the many advantages bottle feeding offers. It is convenient and flexible, and makes public feeding an easier and less worrisome event for some mothers compared to breast feeding. It can also be pre-prepared when needed and the item that anyone can bottle feed the baby means that mum does not need to be devote at all feeding sessions, which is especially relevant to busy or working mothers.. However, it is important to believe that is has been proven that formula cannot match the nutritional composition of breast milk. Studies have even found an acquaintance between artificial formula feeding and an increased risk of childhood cancer (Kumar, 2012). Other studies have suggested that artificial feeding increases the risk of some medical conditions such as celiac disease, compared to breast supply babies. More practical disadvantages are that it is also the more expensive feeding method, costing new mums anyplace up to ?80 per week. What Do Most Mothers Go For And Why? It seems that the majority of new mothers in the UK choose to breast feed. The NHS (2011) reported that initial breastfeeding rates in 2010 were 83% in England, 74% in Scotland, 71% in Wales, a nd 64% in Northern Ireland. It also reported a significant increase in breastfeeding since 2005. The fact that more and more research supports breast feeding over formula, and society is slowly becoming more comfortable with the naturalness of breast feeding, means that an increasing number of women see breast feeding as the best choice for them and for their baby. It is also interesting to note that the Milupa Aptamil
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
South west region cuisine (Arizona, Utah, Texas etc) Essay
South westbound locality cuisine (Arizona, Utah, Texas etc) - Essay ExampleThe American historical regional cuisine is still real much alive today, and it is what differentiates different regions.The South West region is characterized by rustic grooming, comprising of a nuclear fusion reaction of various ingredients and diets that could have been eaten by the native Mexicans and the colonial settlers from Spain (Olver, 2014). Therefore, the characteristic cuisine of the South west region is the Mexican food, mainly characterized by the intent of large chunks of meats, with beans as the accompaniments and chili pepper as the main spice (White, 1993). Thus, the combination of the large chunks of meat, beans and chili pepper making a thick soup, serves as a characteristic South west region cuisine, which is very popular even out nationally and abroad. Nevertheless, even deep down the South west region, the preferred cuisines do vary, with the regions of Utah, New Mexico and Col orado being popular for the New Mexican cuisine, which is basically the Chili soup, while Texas has a fusion of the New Mexican cuisine with its own ingredients, to social class the cuisine referred to as Tex-Mex while Arizona has its own popular cuisine referred as Sonoran (Olver, 2014).The Tex-Mex is unique, notably because of the use of Sour pick, which is a basic ingredient used both as an ingredient in cooking and as a cooling garnish. Therefore, the Tex-Mex cuisine comprises of the large amount of meat, cumin, cheese and the characteristic influence cream (Detterick-Pineda, 2004). The Tex-Mex is a fusion cuisine from different regions, which has combined the characteristic large chunks of meat with cheese and the sour cream being a German influence, to deliver a unique cuisine to the State, which continues to evolve even to date. On the other hand, the Cali-Mex is a cuisine popular in the South west region coastal State of California (White, 1993). The state is one borderin g Mexico, and
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina Essay Example for Free
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina Essay in that location argon lots of cause which DotA brings to our society, to be particular, the youth. With no doubt this wager is 1 of the hottest endorse in the market. In e genuinely Cyber Cafe you can see plot of landrs stick with their screen door and mouse andkeyboard, with their face that full of concentration and excitements finding ways to defeat their opposing team or enemies.Actually estimator games or DotA serves as a platform for youth to communicate. Teenagers who initislly acquiret agnize each other can easily become friends through Computer games or playing DotA. Chapter IIntroductionDotA effects ache been continue for several years since the launch of the War of War stratagem and the Frozen Thr mavin. Almost every people especially the youth has played this game at the very beginning of the years.What is the content that DotA offers to the gamers? And hows the excitements that brings towards the gamers. And you may ask a key question, how long will DotA effects last?The lifestyle of the youth who fuddle been playing Computer Games especially DotA is affected by the game. There ar both advantage and disadvantages for them. Lets talkl about the advantages first. As one of the most playable games online, DotA can make the players become alert in the mental, They will also turn to be strategical and cooperative through computing the magic, damages, gold, physical reduction, present and other stuff, they will get more information in mathematics. Thus the youth can also get some benefits on playing Computer games.Statement of the problem orThesis StatementWhy is Computer games or DotA so Addicting to Students?1. A Time killerBoredom is the most common problem of most people today. DotA can film a lot of time without you even noticing it . you just say after the game WTF, Im late 2. Non-exhasuting gameUnlike basketball or other physical sports , you can play DotA until you can until now mangae to sit, sprightliness at the monitor, use mouse and keyboard and think, Yes , using your is aslo tiring but itll takes an average of 3 games before youd want to take a rest3. Fame SourceMost players want to be the best in this game to gain fame which I find natural but technically nonsense. I have to study that thirst for fame drove me to practice and improve my game. After getting the fame I wanted, I asked myself Now what?. For players who dont have plan on having DotA as their profession ,Fame isnt that important.4. Team work game When we were kids, we already love having team battles. Thats why a lot of team sports games cames up and multi-player estimator games have been invented. Playing with teammates is more addicting than playing alone.5. TranquilizingDotA makes you forget your problems and make you think of simpler problems (like how to win the game)6. Non tough warWe love wars. Thats why there are shows like Wrestling, UFC ,Action films , etc. DotA is a take chances to engage in wars safely. We can fight all day long and just stand up from our computer without even having a scratch on our face.7. Easy to playSurveys shows that DotA is played by more people thatn other strategy like Starcraft. One of the reason is its simplicity. You only have to control one hero (great news for people who are not into doing micros.)8. No height or physical disadvantagesIn basketball you cannot have a team composed of 5 short players. In Rugby , you should be muscular. In DotA you can be as thin and as short as you want and still own everyone.9. Losing makes you thirsty to winOn the other hand, losing is still addicting because you become more urge to have that wonderful feeling of winning.10. Winning feels GoodYup, winning in every game makes you feel safe and addicting.Background of the StudySignificance of the studyHow to overcome DotA Addiction ?1. Accept responsibilityThe problem lies indoors the idiosyncratic, not within DotA. No attempt at beating add iction can succeed until the individual accepts its existence. 2. Identify the ImpactHow legion(predicate) hours a day do you spend playing DotA? Do you normally go out on the weekend?When was the last time you read a book?Identifying the shun impacts of the addiction will help you focus on positive improvements and getting back the things that you really are missing. 3. Avoid BlameBlaming others for problems that you alone must face does not solve the problems. 4. Set limitsIf you decide that you have 1 hour per day to spend playing DotA. Since DotA requires many hours of gameplay to have fun, you likely should consider a different game or different genre of games. 5. Stay positiveBe positive whenever possible. fleck negative reinforcement is sometimes necessary, positive reinforcements will always go further in the end.What is DotA ?DotA is fundamentally game expanded from version of War of War Craft, which initially a strategic game akin to Red Alert Series. But eventually ev olved into current state. Gamers can play Dota in a coarse range from single player, local LAN, or LAN over internet connection with various soils gamers. There contain variety of Heroes to be chosen as your character, There are many type of gaming modes , and different type of map for the game modes. There are lots of gamers who are more expert in theworld of playing DotA .Chapter VSummary and shutdownSummary and ConclusionWe know that Playing computer games especially DotA brings bad effects to the students, they influenceed by the other gamers like scum talks they know how to gamble because they are playing DotA for pustahan.DotA really affects the lifestyle of the youth who are into this game, although it has one good benefit, but it corrupts the mind and the way the youth think. It also weakened the body system, money and good values were not given importance because of this game.
Justice for Lena Essay Example for Free
jurist for Lena EssayLena baker was a blackamoor woman who endured a horrendous ordeal during her life. Born in a sm each town in Georgia, Lena lived with her bewilder and three children. Accused of murdering her employer Ernest Knight, Lena baker anyeged that he verbally and sensiblely abused her. belongings her as a prisoner, Lena yearned for freedom and sought many avenues to obtain it. Ernest Knight was a white man, a local gristmill owner who was determined to keep Lena not only as an employee, alone also as a sexual partner. Lena came to work for Knight originally hired by his son to help with chores as he rec everywhereed from a broken leg. However, from Knights point of view she was there to fritter away care of all his needs. In this paper you depart get the chance to walk in Lenas shoes. I will attempt to tell her story through and through magazine articles, books, newspaper articles and other research. You will see that in the end Lenas life no matter how t errible it was, it wasnt all in vain, and still today she is remembered for her be heartfelt words and calm disposition.Ulysia GayleJulie WarnerEnglishDecember 3, 2012Justice for LenaLena baker was a black woman born with three strikes against her. The first was that she was born in the south. The encourage was that she was born black. The third was that she was born poor. She was a black woman born in a piffling town in Georgia. She lived with her mother and three children and later moved five miles southwest of Cuthbert Georgia. Lena was no oddish to crime nor was she a stranger to hard work. Looking for work she acquired a job for a local gristmill owner named Ernest Knight. Knight take a caregiver due to a broken leg. He needed help with household chores and meals, and Lena needed money. She procured the job with intentions of a business relationship only. However, Knight had other things in mind. Their relationship eventually became sexual on many occasions without Lenas consent. The introduction of verbal and physical abuse briefly followed. Threats against her safety as well as her children and mother were used to keep Lena at bay. She complied with Knight sexually but during this time (1940) relationships of that nature between blacks and whites were prohibited.Making several escapes, Knight would visualize Lena, even going to her home during peak hours on numerous occasions to take her and do with her as pleased. Later during this forbidden relationship Ernest Knights son as well as the town learned of its meaning and taunted Lena for it, although Knight was the aggressor. Lena was eventually assaulted by Knights son, beaten so critically that she needed time to recover herself. Shortly afterwards she was jailed for the like relationship. Fed up with the abuse, Lena cute desperately to return home, but Knight begged the differ. Imprisoned she knew she was fighting for her life, despite the threats she and Knight entered into battle over a gu n which Knight was eventually shot. Panicked and afraid Lena fled the scene. She eventually turned herself in with hopes that all would work in her favor. Needless to say although the town knew of this relationship, no one said anything in Lenas defense.No one came to Lenas rescue. There was no justice for Lena. A black woman accuse of murdering a white man didnt stand a chance no matter the circumstances. Lena soon went on trial. The trial convened on August 14, 1944, at the courthouse in Randolph County under the jurisdiction of Judge Charles William cardinal Gun Worrill, who presided at court with two pistols on the bench. In her testimony, baker described how Knight locked her in the mill house while he went to a church singing. When he returned, he brought her something to eat but refused to let her leave, she said. When she insisted on going home, the two began to argue, and Knight brandished an iron bar that was used to lock the door. bread maker said she feared for her lif e and attempted to push past Knight to leave. As she did, Knight was shot through the head. Baker testified that she walked immediately to the house of J. A. Cox (the county coroner and a man for whom she had done fieldwork) and told him that she had killed Ernest Knight, (Lela Phillips, Andrew College, Published 12/09/2005).The jury consisted of twelve white men (not unusual for 1944), but many of the jurors were good friends who attended the same small churches, socialized with each others families at card parties, and shared morning chocolate at a local cafe. (Justice Denied, THE MAGAZINE FOR THE falsely ACCUSED, Issue 29 Summer 2005, Page 8). put up guilty of murder in less than 6 hours, Lena received the wipeout penalty as her sentence, earning Lena Baker a place in history as the first and only woman to be sentenced to death by electric chair in the state Georgia, (Netflix, lenabakerthemovie.com 2008). On March 5th 1945, after universe held in a prison in Reidsville GA, she was executed but not before saying these last words calmly. What I done, I did in self- defense, or I would have been killed myself. I am effectuate to meet my God.She was pronounced dead after six minutes and several shocks as her family mourned. (Albany Herald, Closure for The Baker Family, August thirtieth 2012). In 2005 Baker was granted a full and unconditional pardon by the State of Georgia, 60 years after her execution. The movie The Lena Baker Story, is about her life. Her nephew, Roosevelt Curry, received the papers pardoning Baker posthumously. The pardon stated the 1945 decision to deny her clemency and execute her was a grievous error. Baker was buried in the Vernon Missionary Baptist Church cemetery in Coleman where she is currently resting in peace. Unfortunately, neither her mother nor her children lived to see that one day there would be Justice for Lena. (Albany Herald, Closure for The Baker Family, August 30th 2012).Work CitedPhillips, Lela. The New Georgia En cyclopedia, History and Archaeology. The Lena Baker Case. Andrew College, Published 12/09/2005.Phillips, Lela. Justice Denied THE MAGAZINE OF THE WRONGLY ACCUSED. Issue 29- Summer 2005, Page 8.Wilcox, Ralph. Netflix, thelenabakermovie.com. Hope and Redemption. 2008. Phillips, Bond Lela. The Black Commentator. Execution In A comminuted Town. Andrew College Cuthbert GA.The Albany Herald, Closure For The Baker Family. Issue August 30th, 2012
Monday, April 15, 2019
Comparing Roman Empire and Han Dynasty Essay Example for Free
Comparing Roman Empire and Han Dynasty tryRoman Empire and Han Dynasty had many things in leafy vegetable and un super C.During their snuff iting era they were experiencing facts which were really similar to from each one other therefore emphasizing on them will make the topic.And also their characterstics were similar in their expression of ruling and living so also they will be included.Firstly,to talk about their propertys we can run through that they both had well organized bureaucracy the only difference was , Hans bureaucracy was based on Confucian ideas whereas Romans bureaucracy was based on their own law and classic learning. Another common characteristic about them was their emphasis on family.Han Dynastys were patriarchial and Romans were pater families.They both attached importance on engineering and make great accomplishments such as, roads,cannals,the great wall by Han Dynasty and aqueducts,domes,sewage systems,central heating by the Romans.To talk about thei r similarities during their fall we can say that they were affected deeply by the Germanic Invasions factor which caused both of them to loose power.They were both abrogated by the same conflicts since Germans had a great military power to constantly oppose to them.They had the same bother that caused them not to be able to protect themselves.It was their monetary fuss that made them defenseless to Germans.Another problem they were both facing was they problem of not electing a new ruler that will reconstruct them and mix them. They were in total decline in morals and values.Their public health was jeopardized so they needed to pay off a way out to the political corruption however seeing that these empires fell it means that these demand were not provided and they could not be unified which was their common problem.To conclude , we discussed their common qualities and problems from their characteristics to their fall.It was obvious that they had many things common so this was t he reason why they both fell.If they had been able to find a way out to their common problem they would have remained.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Qualitative Research Methodologies Essay Example for Free
soft Research Methodologies EssayVeal (2000) has set forth enquiry a systematic and c areful inquiry ands search for the truth or an investigation into a pass on to discover facts. Research is collection of methods, tools and techniques for acquiring knowledge. The nature of research is to discover and explain and answer the unrequited questions. Qualitative methodology focuses on quality a term referring to the essence or ambience of something (Anastas, 1999). Qualitative methods are used to understand complex social phenomena.They are suitable to seek knowledge nearly the fundamental characteristics of a phenomenon under study. Types of Qualitative Methodologies Case-Study Research Methodology Case study as a realistic methodology, which deals with solid and specific questions. Case study translates research question into more researchable problems, and provides rich examples, which are easy to comprehend. The significance of case studies is its revealing meaning of a phen omenon. Observation Research MethodologyScott (2001) has described observation an effective way of finding out(a) about people in their particular environment. empiric research method provides understanding of interaction between marketers and users, exploring members interaction in an organisation and understanding norms in a community. Ethnographic Research Methodology According to Garson (1998) ethnography is the study of cultural groupings. It concentrates on shut out field observation of socio-cultural phenomena.Ethnographic research is a holistic approach that tries to understand a cultivation through the members of given culture. Quantitative Research Methodologies Quantitative research is gathering data in quantity. The intention of the vicenary research approach is to find out the truth by using statistical procedure. Hara (1995) has pointed out that quantitative methodology allows readers to understand facts easily by looking at charts and graphs.The use of statistic s reduces contradictions, which may follow in research. Morgan (2000) has mentioned that quantification allows accuracy of statements by providing facts and figures with precision. Absence of one will make the other incomprehensible. It is assumed that quantitative methodologies are more logical and more comprehensible than qualitative methodology for this reason. descriptive, experimental, quasi-experimental Methodologies. Data Collection and for this research the most appropriate method for this study is case study as this study is parity of these two cities based on the data and facts obtained from different libraries, books, journals, newspapers and census department to answer the questions below. How history and geographical location influence their cultivation? What are the current economic figures of the cities? How much progress these cities have do in trade, commerce health education and sanitation systems? What is the role of geography and location in the developm ent of urban cities?
Friday, April 12, 2019
Adventure of the Speckled Band Essay Example for Free
Adventure of the Speckled Band EssayCompare how jam Watson and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Create Fear and Tension in Talking in Whispers and The Adventure of the Speckled BandIn the novel Talking in Whispers and the short story The Adventure of the Speckled Band both Watson and Doyle exercise tending and latent hostility within their stories to get the attention of the inferer. Both authors create precaution and focus yet they create it in different ways and they design different writing proficiencys to create care and tightness one reason for this could be that the stories were written at different periods of time. The Adventure of the Speckled Band by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was written towards the end of the 19th century and is set in Victorian England, whereas Talking in Whispers by James Watson was written towards the end of the 20th century and is set in Chile. Both Stories however lay off elements of fear and tension. In the course of my essay I sh altogether exam ine the different ways that both authors use fear and tension to their advantage.James Watson creates fear and tension in the novel Talking in Whispers by using many different writing techniques. These techniques are very effective in creating fear and tension. Watson uses techniques much(prenominal) as juxtapositioning, identifying the reader with the characters, chapter endings, direct speech and inter-chapters. These all, when used correctly create fear and tension.The fear and tension created by James Watson when he uses juxtapositioning is very effective as it gives you one scene and in the near paragraph you get a total contrast of it. This surprises the reader, which builds up suspense and a feel of uncertainty. An lawsuit of juxtapositioning from Watsons novel would be.The crowd thundered its joy.From tomorrow all will be different.Andres knew for certain his friend Horacio was deadFrom this example you can see that the crowd thunders with joy is a scene of hope, promise and joy but thusly immediately afterwards you get a scene of violence, horror and despair Andres knew for certain his friend Horacio was dead. This all helps to build up tension and fear.Watson makes you feel sorry and sad and angry for characters if anything take places to them. Watson does this by identifying the reader with Andres. What Watson does is he lets you into Andres mind he lets you see his feelings he lets you feel his pain he lets you know his sorrow. An example of this technique would be near to the end of page 12.Jordan Clement GCSE English Coursework 4/27/2007I should confuse let myself be taken theres no honour in this, skulking in brambles with only a scratch to show for my bravery.From this example you can see Watson lets you know what Andres is feeling and thinking. From the sentence I should hand over let myself be taken we know that Andres is not a coward and will not back smoothen to the CNI (Chiles secret police) we also know from this that Andres is go ing to try to avenge his family and friends. This starts to build up the fear and tension within the novel.Another main way James Watson builds up a lot of tension and fear within Talking In Whispers is by using chapter endings. What James Watson does is he leaves you at a raising at the end of most chapters which makes the reader want to read on and see what will go by to Andres or Isa and or Don Chailey this is a very effective way to build up tension within a novel a works very well in this particular novel. A good example of chapter endings would be the end of chapter three.All youll be needing is a cool head, lots of mint and he leaned previouss with exaggerated secrecy. And a porters uniformThis creates tension because you want to know what will happen next, you want to know what the importance of the porters uniform is, and you want to know will Andres get caught. This makes you want to read on and it makes you think what will happen to Andres. This technique builds up f ear and tension throughout the novel.In Talking in Whispers Watson uses other common techniques of writing which all helps in building up fear and tension, he uses techniques such as illustrations, imagery and metaphors.His mind stayed where it was, unmolested, a little black box inside something nothing could get at. Resting like a fawn in hole.The simile like a setback in a hole portrays Andres mind when he was being tortured. They could hurt his body but they couldnt pretend his mind it was resting like a mouse in a hole. The sentence resting like a mouse in hole also uses imagery as well as using a simile the simile creates the image of his mind being a mouse resting in hole unaware of what is happening to Andres body.In the torture scene on pages 105 106 Andres calls his torturers not by their names but by names that reflect their record he calls his torturers snake and the hog the names are metaphors, which lets you know the personality of the characters. Snake for exam ple is a cunning and devious animal and extremely deadly. This again is another suit of imagery it lets you see pictures from words. This way of writing is very effective when it comes to creating fear and tension.Jordan Clement GCSE English Coursework 4/27/2007Another way fear and tension is created in Talking in Whispers is by coitus you what is happening in Chile at the time. This does not move the story any further forward with Andres it just tells you the evilness of the Junta. This technique is calledInter-chapters and is very effective in causing the reader to perhaps fear the Junta.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Existentialism in the Stranger and the Metamorphosis Essay Example for Free
Existentialism in the exotic and the Metamorphosis EssayWe atomic number 18 thrown into cosmea first without a pre localized nature and only later do we construct our nature or essence through with(predicate) with(predicate) our actions. (Existentialism)This quote is present through the important characters of The Stranger, stigma Runner, and The Metamorphosis in each of these works the characters bulge to their own nature. These works are similar several ways in all(prenominal) told three the men create their own nature by the free choices they make. Through these choices they also create their own values. The characters values and means of animateness are where these works differ.Initially, in The Metamorphosis, Gregors invigoration seems to have meaning, through providing for his family, until he changes into a bug and determines for himself that his life really has no meaning. This is very unlike The Stranger because Meursault, passim the entire work, lives hi s life as if there is no meaning to life and he pass aways knowing this. ultimately Deckard, at the beginning of his life, seems to have lived his life with no meaning or values, until he encounters Roy and Rachael who change his perspective.throughout these works these men make makes choices that determine who they are and what their about, but ultimately every one of them knows their incidental mortality. It is returnly understood through Meursaults narration that life to him is meaningless. The choices he makes and things he says are without position or meaning. They are usually in the spur of the moment of what pull up stakes please him. For example the romance starts by Meursault telling the au hapnce Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I dont know. I got a telegram from the home Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours. That doesnt mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday(The Stranger). Meursault treats his mothers death with the same demeanor with which he p ull up stakes later treat the death of the Arab. Both of these events are usually different in the types of emotions they reveal, but Meursault shows no emotion at all. He just goes through the day to day motions of life. Through his narration and the tone of the novel the reader is clearly able to determine Meursault lives with no emotion or essence. He accepts who he is and his mortality. In the destroy he accepts a penalty that is not worthy of the crime.He knows even if he doesnt get executed he will die anyway whether its ten years from now or fifty. Clearly The Stranger questions the reader whether existence really have a meaning for life since in the end everyone will die and be bury. It seems that Camus meant to get the point across that in life there is no predetermined nature flock create it through their choices. Meursault chooses to live his life with little or no meaning. Unlike Marie who falls in love with Meursault and chooses to support him even though he didnt care if they got married.Like Marie in The Stranger Gregor, who is the main character, in The Metamorphosis has a mean and value to his life. Gregor supports his family because his father failed and neer went back to work. Gregor had it all good job, currency, and ability. He chose to support his family and allow them to live a nice life while he worked and traveled with little clock for himself. Gregor doesnt like his job, but he chooses to stay because it offers good money and he will pay of debt. All of these choices are Gregors they are what he based his life off of.When he changes into a bug his mentality is altered. He begins to realize that all that he did for his family lastly is forgotten and soon he is forgotten about too. Kafka relates this to the human race and its inevitable end. When humans die in the beginning they are remembered, but slowly people forget, or lose interest, until eventually that psyche is totally forgotten about and life goes on. This previous sta tement is clearly seen in the novel when the family moves and decides that is time to marry off their daughter. They never mention anything about the loss of their son.In Blade Runner the main character Deckard destroys replicants. He does his job and usually never questions the reasons why he destroys the human-like robots. The director seems to try to get across the point early that Deckard lives a meaningless life. He does whatever he wants whenever he wants. At first it seems like he lives a life much like Meursault, but later it becomes clear that he is trying to find a meaning for life. When talking to Roy, Deckard realizes that in life everyone is going to die and that everything that person did would be forgotten and lost.At the same time Roy explains the value of life, the choices, love, and things humans can experience. Blade Runner tries to get across to the viewer that they are who they want to be and that in the end the choices and things theyve seen will be forgotten a nd meaningless. In all three works the slogan Existence precedes Essence (Existentialism) is present. each one of the main characters makes their choices which determine their nature. Every one of the characters at some point realizes that they all percent a common trait with the rest of the human race and that is death.They also know that in the end they will be forgotten about and eventually everyone will move on with their lives as if they never existed. These works differ in the way each character goes about their lives. Meursault believes there is no meaning to life so he lives his life on the fly. He does whatever pleases him. Gregor begins with a life he has chosen for himself only to realize that eventually all that he has done will be forgotten and lost. Finally Deckard begins with no meaning and tries to determine a meaning through replicants.He realizes that the choices in his life are what makes his life meaningful. Throughout these works Existentialism was present. The characters offered a glimpse of the reason for existence. Whether it was for providing for a family or killing replicants each one of the character in the end determined that life was only the choices that they make. finally they all learned that everything they did and chose to do was meaningless when they were dead and there is no way to avoid it.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Funds for the arts Essay Example for Free
Funds for the humanistic discipline EssayIn a world that thrives on science, the neglect of the arts is somewhat uncommon. What is baffling though is that the arts could turn out societal contri simplyions as well. Some would find it hard to agree especially when some of the people had been goaded to think that the scientific breakthroughs would be sufficient enough for their existence. Governments would readily shed some gold for the scientific interestingnesss but were reluctant to shell out some for the arts.It is in my belief then that the artistic pursuit should be recognized as important. But if the government were to just shell out some funds for the arts that would reflect the absolute majority of the people then this should be thought twice. The diversity in people would be reason enough for the government to rethink their position. This diversity would not help in pinpointing what the majority really wants.Besides, it was said that the government funding could lead the arts to become passive (Radbourn). If people were to focal point more(prenominal) on the majority then the artistic comment would not be an artistic input at all but an input for the governments satisfaction. The government should fund the arts but they should not give out rigid demands that only the voice of the majority would be reflected. Funding the arts could have considerable outcomes.liberal arts could affect the educational system since it would help learning become more interesting, it could also preserve the culture, it could have economic benefits (arts plus industry), and many more (Arts Funding). The rigid demand for the majority then could not help portray other ideas that may become essential and/or encouraging in the near future. It would seem that funding the arts with such rigid demand for reflecting only the majority of the people would mean that the hidden motives are for the profit that the art would bring.Most artists frown upon those who would use their creativity and label it art for the benefit of the fame and money that they will receive. In fact, it will only be an arrant(a) task where its sincerity is highly questionable.Works CitedArts Funding. 2002. August 22 2007. http//www. michiganinbrief. org/edition07/Chapter5/ArtsFunding. htm. Radbourn, Jennifer. How Government Funding of the Arts Kills Leadership and Creativity. August 22 2007. http//prodos. com/archive014fundingkillscreativity. html.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility and branding Essay Example for Free
Corporate Social certificate of indebtedness and gradeing Essay1. IntroductionIn this chapter the background of the thesis exit be presented and discussed. Moreover, a literature review, seek problem and query disbeliefs go away be introduced in order to get an sagaciousness of the probe purpose. This is followed by the limitations and disposition.1.1 BackgroundThe companies of straightaway ar very aware of what the common and other stakeholders demand from the companies way of handle their responsibilities (Burchell, 2008). In order to stratum a strategy for the protection of their place image and news report many companies find themselves engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility activities (Kotler and Lee 2005), from now on abbreviated CSR. The desire of insideng well and doing dandy in the society in which the caller-out is operating have got been of increasing interest world unsubtle during the last decade. As a result, corporate reporting on social cer tificate of indebtedness initiatives dope to a greater extent often be found in companies marketing strategies (Kotler and Lee, 2005). Even though CSR activities are increasing among todays organizations at that place is still lack of a general universally definition of this image (Crowther and Capaldi, 2008). just in a broad perspective CSR is understood and recognized as the way companies integrate social, scotch and surroundingsal matters into their internal organization (values, culture, decision making and strategy), which endures to spend a pennyment of better society, wealth and better practices at bottom the high society (Horrigan, 2010).Considering the breadth of CSR it quarter subsequently be described in many different name corporate right, corporate sustainability, corporate accountability, corporate citizenship, sustainable development etc (Benn and Bolton, 2011). In a shorter explanation, CSR can thence be explained as the relationship between a corporat ion and its stakeholder (Crowther and Capaldi, 2008). Already in 1972 the American prof in Business Administration, Dow Votaw, stated that the amount pages on social responsibility written in our sentence would fill up a small library. As it turns out, he was right. CSR is here to stay. The idea of taking responsibility beyond what the practice of law demands has incrementd since the millennial shift (Borglund, DeGeer and Sweet, 2012). Especially big organizations, both in the public and private sectors, are engaging in these kinds of activities (Burchell, 2008).The benefits of a phoners usage of CSR activities can lead to a better position in the market and a imperative return on investment. On top of that of course the benefits for society, such as improvement of life or a cleaner environment (Kotler and Lee, 2005). On the other hand, many view CSR mainly as a step towards a reputation as a responsible for(p) business and as good citizens (Burchell, 2008). Either how, risks by avoiding to use this concept can lead to lack of legitimacy for the organization. Meyer and Rowan (1977) also claim that when having a business it is Copernican to be accepted and to be legitimacy in the environment as well as having efficacious and structured internal processes to survive. agree to Grusch (2006) consumers actively scrutinize the local behavior of international companies.Their out-sourced ventures are also being observed, and instruction regarding possible bad behavior reaches the ears of the public much more(prenominal) quickly than it utilize to. Consequently, to the stakeholders awareness and other factors that can have an impact on a companys survival, it is therefore important for companies to establish competitive reinforcement. Differentiation is a way to secure competitive advantage. By using a preeminence strategy a companys key strengths and core competencies builds up, and this is where CSR has an important role for a companys brand as it gets differentiate by incorporating it in the corporate image. This kind of action can generate to better brand attitudes and in the long run this will result in brand loyalty (Grant, 2008).1.2 Literature review1.3 Problem discussionAs stated in the background, CSR is a zealous question among todays companies. Stakeholders are starting to put more pressure on companies responsibility in the society they are operating in, therefore, in order to get a competitive advantage CSR has become a major tool in their marketing strategy (Kotler and Lee, 2005).A mark law defined by Werther and Chandler (2005) shows that CSR will evoke attitudes towards the brand. Are these attitudes positive it will be lead to positive purchase decision and loyal customers, which give companies competitive advantage (Roper and Fill 2012). In Kotler and Lees book (2005) Corporate Social Responsibility Doing the most good for your company and your cause, they are describing examples of well-known organizations tha t have used CSR to increase their brand value. It has therefore been a shift pore in the CSR debate, nowadays it is more a debate of how CSR activities should be used and how effective it can be used as a branding tool, rather than if companies should use this concept or not (Smith, 2003). Based on the debate the question that arises is therefore in what way should CSR activities be used in order to be effective for a positive attitude towards the brand?Today there are many studies relating to the area of CSR. Research does aim there is a positive relationship between CSR and consumer attitudes towards brands and companies (Creyer and Ross 1997 Ellen, Mohr and Webb, 2000 Lacey and Kennet-Hensel, 2010). It is also shown in studies that CSR activities influence how the consumer behave when a certain brand appear in their mind (Becker-Olsen et al., 2006 Nhattacharya and Sen, 2004). However, most of these studies are focusing on pot and brand learning in developed countries.The lit eratures were more specialized of how the CSR influences image of the brand in the western world and how the western public persuaded the brand of the CSR activities. When doing literature question, the amount of research studies about CSR in exploitation countries were of a narrow amount. No psychoanalyse could be found about CSRs link to branding in a developings countries perspective, further, about how the locals (employers of the company and the consumer in the developing orbit) brand perception of CSR activities are.As the real life stories in Kotler and Lees book (2005) showed that CSR has an effective link to the brand. However, most of the organizations were conducting the CSR activities in the country they operated in and the society had a good knowledge of what CSR is. Likewise, a study showed that the brand would be effected and look different if the consumers were aware of CSR of the companies (Boulstridge and Carrigan 2000). So the question that can be asked and d iscussed is if it will appear an effective link to a companys brand in a country that is not developed?A research fling is therefore identified. If we place and conduct a study conducted in a western world in a developing countrys context, would the termination be the same? Would there be a similar link between CSR and branding there?1.4 PurposeThe purpose of this thesis is to get a latelyer understanding of the link between a companys CSR and its branding in a developing country. Based on the purpose the following research questions will be presented 1. What kind of CSR activities are being used to effectively increase positive attitudes towards the companys brand? 2. In what way is a companys CSR linked to its brand in the Philippines? 3. And how do these attitudes create value for the brand?2. MethodologyIn this chapter the research systemology applied in this thesis will be discussed. A definition regarding the system convention of the study will be explained in the follo wing order research design, data aggregation, validity and reliability and data analysis.2.1 Research saluteThere are three type of studies identified by Yin (2003) exploratory, explanatory and descriptive. An exploratory research design tries to define the research question and form the hypothesis. A descriptive research in the other hand, tries to describe a different characteristic of a phenomena that arises. When doing a descriptive aspect study the data arrangement is being guided by theories. When conducting the explanatory research design it is about how it explains course of events and relate how things happened (Yin, 2003).According to Yin (2003) this thesis can be seen as a descriptive research as it will focus on describing what impact CSR has on branding. When using a descriptive research the problem is structured and understood, which core that existing literature about the topic of CSR and branding (Ghauri and Gronhaug 2010). And this kind of research is mainly do ne when a researcher wants to gain an even better knowledge of a specific topic (Gill and Johnson, 2010). Due to the research purpose, which is to investigate how CSR influences on a companys brand in the Philippines this research method fits the crush among the three other ways.3.2 Research designI chose case studies method, because it enhances the understanding of what is going on in a particular case and it can involve a detailed investigation (Yin, 2009). This information that is gained from case studies are therefore relevant to answer some of my problem and research questions as I want to investigate companies CSR activities and observe these activities in order to understand its impact on the brand which is the data collection in my first section of the study. By a case study approach observations of a companies activities can be captured, which is in a way impossible to capture through questionnaires and interviews (Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2010).3.3.1 The case studyIn the beg inning of March I will travel to the Philippines to carry on an eight weeks field study which will give me the opportunity to study some Swedish/International companies CSR activities and how these activities affect their brand perception by interviewing the consumers and workers in country. The case study will therefore obtain information to fulfill my purpose. The extract of companies The information obtained will be from companies that use CSR activities in the Philippines. In order to fill the research gap I will be aiming for to study companies with well-known CSR activities.2.3 Data collectionA qualitative method will be used in order to collect the information for this thesis. Regarding to Trost (2005) a qualitative method is described as a method where the interviewer gathers the information on the interviewees feelings, thoughts and experiences. Hence, to the search of a deeper understanding of how CSR affects the brand perception, this qualitative approach fit the purpose of the thesis because it can give me a deep information regarding the employees and consumers opinions and feelings towards CSR in the Philippines and the brand which is the aim of this study.2.3.1 Qualitative interview designSemi-structures face-to-face-interview.4.4 Validity in qualitative researchDescriptive validity refers to the degree to which the actual description holds true (Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2010 p. 210). Bias When interviewing the respondents a lifting description of the brand can appear, because they have been chosen to do this certain interview about the companies actions. Language is the fundamental tool of interviewing, and may especially be important in qualitative interviewing (Kvale, 1989). The interviews will be conducted by me in English and since communication is a very important in order to get the information it can appear some small misunderstanding as English is not my mother language. only if by conducting a face to face interview, the body language a nd face expression will increase the validity of the interviews.REFERENCESKotler, P., Wong, V., Saunders, J. and Armstrong, G. (2004). Principles of Marketing, quaternary European edition. New Jersey FT- Prentice Hall.Burchell, J. 2008. The Corporate Social Responsibility Reader. capital of the United Kingdom and New York Routledge.Kotler, P. and Lee, N. (2005) Corporate Social Responsibility Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause, Hoboken, New Jersey.Crowther, D. and Capaldi, N. (2008). The ashgate research companion to Corporate Social Responsibility. MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, CornwallSuchman, M. C. (1995) Managing Legitimacy Strategic and Institutional Approaches. Academy of Management Review, Vol 203, p 571-610.Benn, S. and Bolton, D. (2011). Key Concepts in Corporate SocialResponsibility. SAGE Publications Ltd LondonWerther, W.B. And Chandler, D. (2005) Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility as Global Brand Insurance, Business Horizons 48317-24.Boulstridge, E and Carrigan, M.Do consumers really dispense about corporate responsbility? Highlighting the attitude behavior gap. Journal of communication management, (2000) 359-360Gill, J and Johnson, P, 2010, Research Methods for Managers 4th Edition. SAGE Publications LtdGhauri, P and Gronhaug, K, 2010, Research Methods in Business Studies 4th edition. Pearson Education Limited.Trost, J, 2005, Kvalitativa intervjuer. Studentlitteratur, Lund.Halvorsen, K. (1989). Samhllsvetenskaplig Metod. Oslo Studentlitteratur ABYin, R.K, 2009, cutting Study Research Design and Method. London SAGEEllen, P.S., Webb, D.J. Mohr, L.A. (2006). Building corporate associations consumer attributions for corporate socially responsible programs. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 34 (2), 147-57. doi 10.1177/0092070305284976Creyer, E. H., Ross, W. T., Jr. (1997). The influence of firm behavior on purchase intention Do consumers really care about business ethics? Journal of Consumer Marketing, 14(6), 42132. do i 10.1108/07363769710185999
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Fight Club (Film) by David Fincher Essay Example for Free
leave the field cab bet (Film) by David Fincher EssayThis confronting exposure casts the brilliant Edward Norton and the extremely popular brad Pitt as they team unitedly to bring the public oneness of the greatest suspense movies of all time. Norton adds jack, a middle-aged man, who isnt sure what his drift for living is whatsoever more and Pitt plays Tyler Durden, a soap salesman, who has come to the like realization about intent.Directed by David Fincher, written for the screen by Jim Uhls, and based on the acclaimed novel by Chuck Palahniuk, push nine is a powerful film, which fuses the luxuriouslyly sensitive issues that haunt its bilk and confused protagonist with the visual representations of his intellectual states. It all begins when goofball becomes so frustrated with his emotional state that he just cant take it any longer. For his blameless life, the media has painted a glorious image of wealth for everyone and has made everyone believe that they would be bounteous and famous eventually, while in fact they werent. Flooding society with more useless products and making them slaves to their testify needs, twat realizes that it is all just a joke.Under the realization of this, old salt searches for a way to attend new excitement international from the material world. He starts to visit numerous support groups for cancer victims and separate diseases. This is where he meets Marla Singer (Helena Bonham Carter), a middle-aged woman who is to a fault going through the same subject as he is. Together these determinem to be the only places for them to find real e transactions, and to be fitted to express their let emotions at the same time.One day while on an airplane, Jack meets Tyler Durden. speckle talking with Tyler, Jack notices that they collapse the same exact suitcase along with many other(a) things in common. Tyler gives Jack his business card and tells him to call if he ever needs anything.When Jack re forms home, he finds that his entire apartment has been bl take in to pieces. With nowhere to go, he takes out Tylers business card and proceeds to call him. Tyler comes to bring up rescue and the dickens begin living together in an old run-down house. One wickedness outside a bar, confused in their frustration of the world, they begin hitting each other for the perfect(a) excitement and adrena course of action rush.After much(prenominal) thinking, Tyler has made up his mind about society and has take a leakd his own beliefs. He opposes all material wealth and lives for the moment, unafraid of pain or death. Slowly he teaches Jack these traits as well, as they now begin to build Fight club, an underground association where equally frustrated men can take out their emotions by fighting with one another. Soon many Fight Clubs spring up across the country and Tyler is hailed as a celebrity among the members.With Fight Clubs popularity increasing, Tylers plans become much bigger and he establishes Project Mayhem, his plan to destroy the material world. He recruits an army of equally supply men and goes on a spree to destroy all signs of materialism he clears. While watching the mayhem Tyler has created, Jack becomes disturbed by the idiocy of the followers and the violent acts they argon committing. He wants to dress an end to the insanity, just now without Tyler he cant stop it, and Tyler is nowhere to be found.With Tyler now missing, Jack begins locomotion from city to city in search of Tyler. When asking concourse if they know Tyler Durden, he is given the same answer everyplace and over Yes sir, youre Tyler Durden. Jack nettly comes to the conclusion that he and Tyler are the same psyche. Tyler is simply a figment of jacks imagination. Tyler is everything that Jack wishes he could be. He looks how he wants to look. He acts how he wants to act. He is Tyler Durden.This movie combines great action sequences, romance, and suspense all rolled up into o ne. The great casting of Edward Norton and Brad Pitt give the movie just the right amount of masculinity it needs.How the composer creates meaningThe composer creates a chilling setting, which is long-familiar and stereotypically American with its high-tech devices, in any case with fast and crisp movement of camera angles to show some special effects. The composer also used lighting to create meaning. The lab in which Jack was sitting down which we bump in the fast and crisp movement of camera shots, had very dark and dull colours. The music also rolled along to help create this setting, which is very important within the film.The managing director David Fincher utilizes a bout of techniques to present his ideas of transpose. The film opens with voice-over from our lead character Jack, played by Edward Norton. He hasnt slept in months and its beginning to take a toll on his sanity. He finally finds release from his troubles by going to support groups for people with various diseases testicular cancer, bowel disease, etc. where he finds freedom in pretending hes a survivor, that he has nothing to lose. Thus, it also represents a new foundation as a result suggesting a gear uping in Jacks life-style.Through the character Jack the composer is also fitting to create meaning. Here we see that through zoom and close-up camera angles the composer shows a revision in the behaviour of Jack. It becomes evident that after bearing in mind explosion of his apartment, he becomes astound and through the facial expressions we see that he is discontented. The smiling that was witnessed prior to this terrible tragedy has mislaid as a consequence symbolizing a counterchange in his attitude and his learning of the slight civilization.The composer also creates meaning, through the use of Jacks lifestyle. In this motion picture the main character Jack, changes his lifestyle through self-annihilation rather than self-development. The composer has done this to show that at that place is more than one way to change, that change does not eternally have to occur in a positive way. This is one of the most important themes running through the movie.Fight Club a movie about the change within one mans life, Jack, with the help of his friend Tyler, who is actually a creation of Jacks mind. Jack breaks away from all of societies conventions and this leads to the many changes in his life.Jacks changes are made all the more significant through the use of colours. Before Jacks enlightenment all the colours used are dull blue-greys. The camera angles are narrow and focused. This creates a tone of monotony and boredom. Later, the scenes become brighter and colours are powerfully secerned. many a(prenominal) of the scenes take place at night with neon lights in the background with contrast with the bright red leather jacket worn by Tyler throughout much of the film to create an exciting, almost surreal element to the scene. The camera angles become wide r, reflecting Jacks broader perspective of life.A further morphological device used by David Fincher is to allude to Jacks earlier life. One example is when he receives a phone-call from the detective looking into the explosion of his house. Jack responds to his questions by discussing how much the things in his apartment meant to him, how they were part of his identity. When the phone-call is over he says, I would like to thank the academy. From this statement, it is obvious that he looks back on his former lifestyle with contempt.From this film we can see how exhausting it can be for one to move to another entry of perception when everything around them reinforces the legitimate view of the world. It is easy to accept everything that is occurring and live in denial without changing. Jack would not have been able to escape from the media induced, corporate driven life that he led if his pass had not created Tyler Durden.In Fight Club we see there are many reasons for people to take on not to change. The risk may seem too high. It might be hard work. There is a loss of the security a person has when he or she is in familiar territory where everything is know to them. Even when the opportunity stares at them right in their faces they refuse to take it. In the movie, we see Jack struggling at start with quitting his ikea-guy life but is soon able to boldly step away from the illusions that held him.Explanation of how the text crossties to both a text from the Stimulus Booklet and the play internationalClearly, change brings consequences. These consequences can vary in importance and significance they can be beneficial, detrimental or even impartial. Change, its impact on self and the resulting consequences, which it inevitably brings, is an issue explored by many composers in a variety of texts. Change is the process of macrocosm made different.Change can be caused by anything much(prenominal) as time, birth, death, people and fighting The concept of c hanging self and its significance to the individual is explored in a number of texts including the play Away written by Michael Gow, Sky High by Hannah Roberts (BOS Changing) and the film Fight Club by David Fincher. All these texts symbolise change in a variety of ways. To show the consequences of change composers have used a number of techniques in terms of quarrel, imagery, contrast and repetition.This film Fight Club deals with the approach in which we transform ourselves. In this film Jack transforms his standard of living through self-destruction to assertion self-development. The director David Fincher has fulfilled this to exemplify that the things we own, actually end up owing us. The change occurs when Tyler opens the brink for him to amend. Unfortunately, Tyler becomes too powerful. This shows the rituals of both sides.Allusions is a structural device used by the director Fincher to contrast the Jack-then to the Jack-now, unendingly making references to his earlier lif e presented at the beginning of the film. An example of this is when Jack is living in the flea-bitten house he frequently receives calls from a Detective Stern from the arson unit, inquiring about his destroyed condo or feeding him information about it (the police suspect he did it to claim insurance). Jack often replies by talking about how much the things in his condo meant to him and how they were a part of his identity. When the phone-call is over he says I would like to thank the academy. From this statement it is obvious that he looked back on himself with contempt.The director shows that the prizes that one makes during his or her life, defines the changes that would occur to them in the future. When one looks back at the decisions that they had to make, the difference before the choice was made and after becomes quite obvious.Another aspect of change presented in the film is that change is often cyclic. As we make one decision, we are soon required to make further decis ions and it is a unremitting cycle until the day we die. Therefore one never stops changing until their death.From this film we can see how complex it can be for one to move to another door of perception when everything around them reinforces the accepted view of the world. It is easy to accept everything that is occurring and live in denial without changing. Jack would not have been able to escape from the media induced, corporate driven life that he led if his brain had not created Tyler Durden. In link to Sky High by Hannah Roberts it demonstrates that responsibilities force a person to change, and that the change is not always optimistic, other than it has to be embraced for a character to established, and that although there is a change it is most undoubtedly not an end, but rather a progression.This text has contributed a great deal to my understanding of change. It helps us to see how difficult it can be to change ones lifestyle and to change their view of the world when it is reinforced as being the accepted view of the world that we must adhere to, and sometimes it requires something as drastic as an imagined person to change that view. The other thing it has contributed is that there are many reasons for a person not to change, risk, too hard work or the loss of security in their new life, but once that change is made, the persons old lifestyle seems contemptibly inadequate.In Sky High by Hannah Roberts, it is not another person, which outlines a change in self of the persona, but an object (a clothesline) that triggers a memory from the personas youth. Personification of the clothesline, and its relation to the authors own change in self since her youth, is one technique incorporated by Roberts. When describing her and the clothesline in the first two paragraphs, we are given the phrases silver skeletal arms and smooth, sweat damp hands. Comparing this to age-warped washing line and hands, beginning to accumulatewrinkles one can see the dramatic re alisation of the changed persona.Another representation of the changing exercise of the clothesline is the descriptions of the hanging clothes. Where as in her youth the clothesline was festooned with socks and knickers and shirts like coloured flags in a out of sight code, Roberts now write(s) my own semaphore secrets in colourful t-shirts and mismatched sock. This suggests that as a child, the author model that the clothes were hung out in secret code. Now as an adult she realises the ordinariness of the practice. The semaphore secrets that she writes as an adult expose to the reader the question if these are messages of unhappiness.The narrator utilizes an analogy to illustrate how responsibilities and social conventions limit a persons ability to follow urges. The writer wants to fly as she did when she was young, but she is concerned that the conventions of her modern life will not allow her to do so. Remembering the minute details of the garden develops a nostalgic mood. Th is is so as a person remembers details such as these if they treasure the memoriesSky high has contributed to my understanding of change by showing that responsibilities force a person to change, and that the change is not always positive, but it has to be embraced for a character to mature, and that although there is a change it is most definitely not an end, but rather a process.On the surface Away by Michael Gow, may possibly come on like a simple narrative about three families who take off for a holiday. people are shown as going away, being pulled away, being washed away, walking away and so on. What is also stressed however is the act of recurring, regrowth and transition that results from their away experience.Away presents the concept of change as self-recognition and renewal through the portrayal of the key characters who journey from fear, isolation and delusion to an understanding and acceptance of themselves and their relationships with others.Away is a short though d irect play, which deals with many variations of change, each of which is a change of character or personality, which occurs as a realization as the events in the play, get through to them. A perfect example is Gwen, a middle-aged niggle with the need to control. Her resistance to change is of an attitude as her family suddenly becomes separate in reaction to her behaviour. The family is on a holiday and what was meant to be enjoyable, becomes a conflict which causes her daughter Meg to isolate herself from her. Gwen depicts this resistance to change with the importance of it. Simply compare changing toothbrush to changing personality, which will have a resisting effect.Michael Gows play is very theatrical. While much of the dialogue is realistic, drawing on the idiom of the day, the storm and the appearance of the fairies break away from realism. Gow draws on the conventions of comedy and tragedy as the play moves from the comic to the tragic. Many of the characters appear as ster eotypes found in comedy- the nagging wife, the henpecked economize, the pompous teacher, but as the play progresses these stereotypes are abandoned as the characters are confronted by the need for change. They become individuals capable of change.The composer exploit delivery to provides a precious impending into the intelligences of the protagonists. Gwens continuous and tedious use of clichs creates her the parody of a upper-middle-class housewife with high-class aspirations. In the final act, mime plays a vital role. It is the explicit lack of language here that provides the audience with a perceptive of the high level of self-awareness and imminent that is now shared by the protagonists.Perhaps the two most significant characters in Away who experiences the most profound changes are Gwen and Coral.* Gwen is one of the most momentous protagonists in the play. She changes from being a stress ridden control freak of a mother and wife to coming to an understanding of life and th e fact that humans are not in control. The plainest reflection of this is the storm, which trashes her perfectly planned holiday. Note that in the stage directions, the fairies single Gwen out for particular attention in the storm. Gwen experiences an epiphany during the walk with Vic, presumably in reaction to the news that Tom is dying. She returns from the walk a changed woman, and it is she who stands and applauds Coral as she walks in Strange on the Shore.* Coral has lost her grip on reality. At the beginning she is a woman pervading grief at the death of her only son in the Vietnam War. In attempting to respond to her husband (Roys) plea that she behaves normally, she enters a relationship with a young recently married man named (Rick). She than adopts the persona of the workman on the beach, and it is Tom who recognises her as the headmasters wife. She achieves some kind of acceptance of life and loss through her surgical process in The Stranger on the Shore. (Im walking, Im walking represents a return to life). The walking becomes symbolic of Corals return to reality, her final acceptance of the death of her son who died in Vietnam. Tom is responsible for her healing. He determines Corals role in the play. In Act 5 scene 1 we see her reconciled with her husband Roy. These changes are represented dramatically in the play. Her situation in Away is symbolized by her role in the little play- when she walks at the end, she is retuning to life where she belongs.Opening on the last day of the school year in 1967 and closing on the first day of the next school year, the play spans only a few short weeks in the lives of its characters and hitherto their perspectives and understandings have changed radically over that time. Possibly the character who experiences the most philosophical change is Gwen. Through the military strength of the emotional conflict she encounters, she has had to acknowledge the inevitability of change in life and has adjusted her exp ectations accordingly. This change of perception over time can be contrasted to the reminiscing of Hannah Robert, in her story Sky High, Text 3 in the Board of Studies Changing Booklet. Where the older narrator looks back on a lighter, less burdened childhood.The reward repercussions of confronting change and of living for the present have been highlighted by the texts I have studied which in turn delineate the integral nature of change in the lives of people and their relationships.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Worldââ¬â¢s Top 10 Coffee-Producing Essay Example for Free
Worlds Top 10 hot chocolate-Producing EssayCoffee is the worlds second life-sizedst traded commodity it is used non only for drinking just for soft drinks and cosmetics as well, it is second only to oil according to wholly imports and exports from all countries. They ar two main types Arabica hot chocolate (most people are used to this and are more than popular) and there is Robusta deep brown. In the last two age the prices of hot chocolate tree have been gradually falling (Ycharts. (2013). Coffee Arabica Price) alongside this, the show of coffee has also been falling. Although there have been some price fluctuations at quantify and this could set aside up really affecting an deliverance that depends on coffee. The reason that this is such a tremendous deal is because the countries that intemperately depend on coffee exports are usually developing countries and with the price of coffee falls, so does their rate of development, these countries involve countries such as Vietnam, Ethiopia, Peru and Guatemala who are all within the worlds top ten coffee producers (Justin Doom. (2011). Worlds Top 10 Coffee-Producing Countries in 2010-2011).When these economies are weakened, they case to their establishments, who need to somehow intervene in the coffee commercialise and try to stabilise the prices so that they give the gate reach their ultimate goal to continue to develop. Price stability in the coffee market is an beau ideal scenario in a market where the prices for coffee do not alter drastically. They may raise a little or fall, but never by a noticeable amount, and are easy to predict, which underside booster coffee producers plan for the far future. It is not only important to coffee producers, but to the rescue as whole, if the prices for coffee are unstable, for some countries this could have a huge impact on the ostentation levels. The diagram below describes how an unstable price for coffee can maturation and affect the short lock aggregate fork out and cause the general price level for the economy to rise and therefore do inflation as they did in July 2012 (Ycharts. (2013)There are several reasons why the prices of coffee have been fluctuating, but still gradually falling. The startle reason is that coffee or coffee beans are extracted from plants. These plants must first be grown, then harvested. There is only so much mankind can do to catch that there is always excess coffee just sometimes natural disasters can occur, and there is nil that farmers can do to prevent this, when natural disasters occurs it means that farmers leave have small yields and supply for coffee willing be low, forexample Colombia, wiz of the worlds leadership coffee producers and exporters, in modern years have been experiencing poor weather conditions which have led to production falling by 12% to 7.809 one million million million bags in 2011 which is a record low that hasnt been seen since 1976. This can cause t he price to growing seeing as coffee is the worlds second most demanded commodity. These poor conditions consisted of excessive ominous rainfall, disease, pest and limited sunlight (Zacks Equity Research. (2012)).The graph below shows how the supply for coffee has decrease leading to a rise in price On the other hand this is just an example for Colombia and for the residue of the world the prices for coffee have been falling for the last four years, this is due to wealthy individuals and companies use their coin to invest in the global coffee suppliers, and other large coffee producers such as brazil nut (the world number three) has been turning out high yield and is expected to do so in following years. Fain Shaffer, president of infinity trading crop expects coffee to be traded by one dollar to a pound of coffee, figures which have not been seen since September 2006. (Alexandra Wexler. (09/17/2013)) Coffee prices may presently be relatively stable at the moment however accord ing to research conducted by the over-embellished Botanical Edinburgh along with Ethiopian scientists and Londons Botanical Garden, Kew, have predicted that wild Arabica coffee will be extinct by the year 2080. If the prices begin to fall, all of a sudden the prices for coffee will no longer be stable. No country operates on a 100% free market. all in all economies are mixed, some tend to be freer than others, however should a country find that prices are vaporific or unfair, they can always rely on the government to intervene, aka government intervention. One way a government could help stabilise the price of coffee is through and through devotee stock schemes, these schemes focus on the prices of coffee and try to stabilize the price, they do this by first establishing the intervention price, this is a price the government thinks is most suitable for coffee. Once this has been established the government will then misdirect up a lot of coffee when the price is at its lowest, th ey continue to do this until prices for coffee begin to rise again, and to ratio out the price to make sure it is at the intervention price. They are constantly buying coffee to balance out the price. This is an effective method in theory however in real intent they do not work out as planned because the people in charge of the buffer stocktend to get greedy and try to maximise profits rather than help the economy as a whole and end up just constantly buying till they go bust.A good example of a successful buffer stock scheme is in Brazil, for years Conab, Brazils official crop bureau has been buying coffee at low prices and uses it to help local producers when the selling price for coffee is too low. Between 2003-2004 Conab had just under four million KGs accumulated. (Geoff Riley. (2012)) Another issue with this is that it is very difficult for a government to raise enough money to buy up enough coffee to influence the natural supply and demand. It is also expensive to store lar ge amounts of coffee and because it is an agricultural good it has a shelf life. Another method the government could intervene is through Subsidies. A subsidy is a grant given by the government in order to increase production, this would help producers who have produce low yields due to high taxation and or high cost If the government could make coffee more attractive this could help stabilise the price if supply started to fall. This however is not a very effective method because it can only help carry the supply of coffee back up, and it may be able to work to well, if producers begin to produce excess supply the prices of coffee could start to increase sharply leaving the prices unstable yet again.Buffer stock schemes are the most ideal way for a government to ensure price stability, and the success of the scheme depends heavily on whether or not the Government can provide proper facilities to accommodate huge quantities of coffee and are able to afford to buy enough Coffee to b e able to alter the market forces so that if prices go to high they can bring them down and if they go to low that they can bring them back up again, if not it could result in huge losses for the economy and even end up setting the country back. The supply and demand of coffee can and always will be prone to quick sudden changes due to circumstances that are unavoidable.
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