
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Jobs and Career Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jobs and Career Goals - Essay Example This begs the question, when is it right for an individual to focus on financial progress and when should the family be given time? This question has arisen as more and more families find themselves in a state of disconnection with one another as a result of spending a decreasing amount of time with each other (Latshaw, 2011). The argument can be made that the time taken away from the family is placed in providing for their needs but it can also be stated that the physical presence of an individual in a relationship can be one of those needs. The economic downturn has also affected those yet without families but looking to start one as well (Gerson, 2011). This is because the increase in hours that an individual has to work in order to make ends meet has in turn decreased the amount of time that they have to go out and socialize with people thus denying them the opportunity to meet potential partners. There are a number of ways in which working long hours can have an impact on an ind ividual’s lifestyle (Rampell, 2013). Some of these include the fact that the longer hours will mean that by the time an individual gets through the day they are too tired to do any socializing. This decreases the chances they have of meeting potential partners. ... a person goes without socializing the more awkward they are likely to be when given the opportunity so it can be said that a long term result of the long hours is that an individual is left a little â€Å"rusty† in their social skills especially with jobs that based in solitary environments. The marriage of an individual is also affected by long working hours and they are number of considerations that should be taken into account for couples that find themselves in such a situation. The first is always finding time for your spouse despite the busy schedule one may have (Estes, 2011). This will make an individual feel loved and appreciated as they can see the individual making an effort to make time for them despite the other responsibilities that they may have. Communication is also another very important tool that should be used in the battle against long working hours versus marriages (Rampell, 2013). Keeping in touch with one’s spouse on a fairly regular basis allows both sides to sync up their plans for the day and if possible find a time of the day where both parties are free to meet up (Gerson, 2011). In today’s society the financial turmoil has made it so that in most households both parents have to work and as such it is essential that both spouses respect each other’s jobs so as to avoid any form of tension that may arise from doing otherwise. The most important thing to remember is that a successful marriage requires time and effort from both sides and thus it is essential that both parties find time to be together. There is also a third party that may be potentially involved when dealing with matters of family and that is the children. The children in a family can be seen as the binding thread that ties a relationship together in some instances and it

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