
Monday, August 12, 2019

Cisco Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cisco Systems - Essay Example One other major huddle they face a business was demand by the Stanford University to obtain 11 million dollars as the licensing fee during the company registration. This was because; the duo had developed the technology when still working as an employee of the university (Edwards, 25). Later on the university accepted 150, 000 dollars together with free support services and routers. The duo had a vision of enabling dissimilar networks to communicate with one another and engage in information sharing to enhance reliability. However, for the full connection of networks, there was need for technology invention that would deal according with the separated local area modus operandi. To fill this gap, they decided to try different process which gave birth to the multi- procedure router. Other product that the company produces includes; devices for remote access, switches, devices for internet access, protocol translators and the softwares for managing networks. All tis devices and equipmen t are used to link geographically LANs and WANs i.e. Local Area Network and The Wide Area Networks together with the internet. The company has majorly three market segments that it serves (Kahawatte, 80) .These includes the big organization such as government bodies, corporations, learning institutions such as universities. These organizations need sophisticated networking process and the usually require connection of several locations. The other category is those involved in service provision to their customers. These include; telephone companies, internet services providers and companies sell cables and those providing wireless communication services. Besides, there are medium and small businesses whose wants are basically network operations, internet connection or connection with other business partners. To meet this huge demand on the expertise, the company is growingly developing its human resource capital in the fields such as fibre-optic network together with attendant expert s in the diverse networks that produces audiovisual capabilities in conjunction to the previous data available. This also triggered the development of the DNS- Domain Name Systems to aid the process. Cisco did market its products to the higher learning institutions such as universities and colleges, research institutions, aerospace companies and government department and institutions. This was done by communicating to software engineers through ARPANET which turned into being called Internet. The conversation most involved the use TCP protocols or UNIMIX computers. Later on in 1988, Cisco Systems began the networking of routers within the major corporations that were separated by some distance e.g. different branches. During this period, routers were basically used in all the communications as it could support other protocols than the ones from different manufacturing companies and when the internetworking market began expanding, Cisco’s high quality routers were preferred by most customers in the market place within the emerging competition (Dryburgh, 54). Within the business fraternity, internet connection has brought in myriad of benefits simplifying the trade transactions. One major benefit is the availability of information useful to the prospective buyers for online tractions. This has created cheaper means for the businessmen and women to transact free with cost just being incurred only during the chain supply process. The

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