
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Applications Of Electrostatics Analysis Engineering Essay

Applications Of Electrostatics Analysis Engineering EssayThe practical covering of electrostatics is represented by such devices as lightning rods and electrostatic precipitators and by such processes as xerography and the exposure of automobiles. Scientific devices based on the principles of electrostatics include electrostatic generators, the issue-ion microscope, and ion-drive rocket engines. thither are many applications of electrostatics-1).Van de graff generator.2).The electrostatic precipitator.3).Xerography and Laser Printers.4).Electron Gun for 6-18 GHz,20 W Helix-TWT Amplifier.5).CST constituent studio exemplar of a Depressed Collector.6).Electrostatic poser of a aesculapian X-Ray device.7).Electrostatic semblance of a High Voltage Bushing.8).MEMS Comb Sensor.9).Consistent aerated division Simulation of a Pierce Gun.The brief explanation of supra applications is given below-The Van de Graaff GeneratorExperimental results show that when a aerated director is int rustd in contact with the inside of a savvy manager, all(a) of the foreign mission on the entrustd conductor is transferred to the grasp conductor. In principle, the charge on the hollow conductor and its electric potence sess be increased without limit by repetition of the process.In 1929 Robert J. Van de Graaff (1901-1967) utilise this principle to design and build an electrostatic generator. This caseful of generator is recitationd extensively in nuclear physics research.A schematic representation of the generator. Charge is delivered continuously to a high- authorisation electrode by means of a moving belt of insulating stuff and nonsense. The high-voltage electrode is a hollow metal domed stadium mounted on an insulating column. The belt is aerated at point A by means of a corona provoke between foray-like metallic needles and a grounded grid. The needles are well-kept at a incontrovertible electric potential of typically 104 V. The positive charge on the moving b elt is transferred to the dome by a second disinvolve of needles at point B. Because the electric knowledge domain inside the dome is negligible, the positive charge on the belt is easily transferred to the conductor regardless of its potential. In practice, it is possible to increase the electric potential of the dome until electrical relinquish occurs by dint of th Because the breakdown electric field in lineage is about 3000000 V/m, a interdictly superaerated oil droplet in sphere 1 m in radius mass be raised to a maximum potential of 3 % 106 V. The potential shtup be increased further by increasing the radius of the dome and by placing the entire system in a container filled with hard-hitting gas.Van de Graaff generators understructure produce potential differences as considerable as 20 million volts. Protons accelerated through such large potential differences receive profuse energy to initiate nuclear reactions between themselves and various(a) target nuclei. Sma ller generators are often seen in science classrooms and museums. If a person insulated from the ground touches the sphere of a Van de Graaff generator, his or her personify can be brought to a high electric potential. The person h aeratecloth acquires a net positive charge, and each strand is repelled by all the others.Van De Graaff GeneratorThe Electrostatic PrecipitatorOne important application of electrical kindling in gases is the electrostatic precipitator. This device removes particulate look from combustion gases, thereby reducing ventilate pollution. Precipitators are especially reclaimable in coal-burning power plants and in industrial operations that generate large quantities of smoke. Current systems are able to eliminate more than 99% of the change from smoke.A high potential difference (typically 40 to 100 kV) is maintained between a wire running down the center of a duct and the walls of the duct, which are grounded. The wire is maintained at a negative electri c potential with respect to the walls, so the electric field is order toward the wire. The values of the field near the wire become high enough to cause a corona discharge around the wire the air near the wire containspositive ions, electrons, and such negative ions as oxide ions.The air to be cleaned enters the duct and moves near the wire. As the electrons and negative ions created by the discharge are accelerated toward the outer wall by the electric field, the smut particles in the air become charged by collisions and ion capture. Because most of the charged dirt particles are negative, they too are drawn to the duct walls by the electric field. When the duct is periodically shaken, the particles break loose and are salt away at the bottom. In addition to reducing the level of particulate effect in the atmosphere the electrostatic precipitator recovers valuable materials in the get of metal oxides.Electrostatic PrecipitatorXerography and Laser PrintersThe basic idea of xero graphy5 was actual by Chester Carlson, who was granted a patent for the xerographic process in 1940. The unique feature of this process is the use of a photoconductive material to form an construe. (A photoconductor is a material that is a poor electrical conductor in the dark but becomes a good electrical conductor when exposed to light.)The xerographic process is illustrated in Figure 25.31a to d. First, the surface of a plate or drum that has been coated with a thin charge of photoconductive material (usually selenium or some compound of selenium) is given a positive electrostatic charge in the dark. An examine of the foliate to be copied is then focused by a lens onto the charged surface. The photoconducting surface becomes conducting only in areaswhere light strikes it. In these areas, the light produces charge carriers in the photoconductor that move the positive charge off the drum. However, positive charges bide on those areas of the photoconductor not exposed to light , leaving a latent image of the object in the form of a positive surface charge distribution. Next, a negatively charged powderize called a toner is dusted onto the photoconducting surface. The charged powder adheres only to those areas of the surface that contain thepositively charged image. At this point, the image becomes visible. The toner (and hence the image) is then transferred to the surface of a sheet of positively charged paper. Finally, the toner is fixed to the surface of the paper as the toner melts while passing through high-temperature rollers. This results in a permanent copy of the original. A laser printing machine operates by the same principle, with the exception that a computer-directed laser beam is used to illuminate the photoconductor instead of a lens.XerographyLaser PrinterELECTRON poor boy FOR 6-18GHz,20 W Helix-TWT AmplifierElectron crampfishs are the starting point of every charged particle application. There the DC energy is translated into an extra cted beam which later on interacts with all kinds of RF structures. The design and analysis of an electron gun can be performed with the tracking code of CST PARTICLE studio apartment.Schematic of an electron tubeThe electron gun has to provide the slow wave structure with a beam, which then interacts with the electromagnetic wave existing in the structure and in the long run iscollected in the collector. In order to enable the interaction, the particles velocity has to impact the EM-waves velocity on the circuit. The necessary velocity determines the voltage to be applied. The electron gun then has to be designed in a way, that the emitted reliable is maximized. The relevant parts for the Electrostatic (Es) simulation are the cathode, focalisation electrode and anode(left). strategic for the Magnetostatic (Ms) simulation are the iron duet and permanent magnets. The potentials and permanent magnets hang as sources for the Es and Ms solver of CST EMS (here run from CST PS) re spectively. The iron yoke is considered as non analog material, where the working point is obtained by a non linear iteration scheme in theMs solver.CST PARTICLE STUDIOHYPERLINK http//www.cst.com/Content/Applications/ hold/CST+PARTICLE+STUDIO+Simulation+of+a+Depressed+Collector Simulation of a Depressed CollectorCST PS simulation of a cast down collector.A multi-stage depressed collector for the Rijnhuizen Fusion Free-Electron Maser (FEM) is simulated with CST RTICLE STUDIO. The results are reproduced with authorization of Pulsar Physics. See also M.J. de Loos, S.B. van der Geer, Pulsar Physics, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B, Vol 139, 1997. CST PARTICLE STUDIO(CST PS) is dedicated to simulating charged particles travelling through electromagnetic field. To accomplish this task, CST PS requires fields from other CST STUDIO SUITE 3D EM solvers, particularly CST EM STUDIO and CST MICROWAVE STUDIO, as input. CST PS tracks charged particles through this fields, considering re lativistic effect, outer space charge and secondary emission, delivering particle trajectories, phase space distribution, remitances. Electrostatic Simulation of a medical X-Ray deviceElectric Field scattering in the X-Ray DeviceCST EM STUDIOs Electrostatic Solver can be used to establish electric breakdown fields in X-Ray devices. A STEP model of the device was imported via CST EMSs spaciotemporal CAD Interface. The main goal of the simulation is to determine the maximum field strength in the model. The design of the ho development for the X-Ray tubecan then be optimised to reduce the potential of arcing. Results may be post-processed in terms of field values at specific points, along curves or on material surfaces. . The field was plotted on a cardinal cut-plane using a logarithmic scaling to aid visualisation. Maximum field values in themodel may be extracted automatically in the post-processor.Electrostatic Simulation of a High Voltage Bushingcross-section(a) View of the Tran sformer BushingThe preceding(prenominal) figure shows theconstruction of the rendercomprising a centralconductor,a ceramic insulator, and a housingcontaining the transformer oil.The structure was created using the powerful modeling tools in CST EM STUDIO. The bushing was created by sweeping over 360 degrees a curved profile. To complete the bushing geometry, the plump tool can be applied to round off the bushing edges.The permittivity of the ceramichas beenset to 1000 with an epsilon of 2.9 for the oil. The housing and the central conductor were both(prenominal) defined as perfect electric conductors (PEC).Symmetry is exploited via the use of tangential symmetry conditions and an open boundary has been applied to reduce the simulation domainMEMS Comb SensorPotential and electric field for the angulate and triangular comb tipThe design process of the comb sensor starts with a pattern optimization in CST EMS. Here two divergent shapes are modeled and compared.Therefore, by usin g parameters a true shapeoptimisation of the force can beperformed. After the calculation of fields the forces can be determined as a post bear upon step. Using appropriate boundary conditions, thesingle combs are assumed to be part of an infinite array.Due toits special shape the triangular comb tip has a 14% higher attracting force.Consistent Charged Particle Simulation of a Pierce GunThe pierce type gun example demonstrates the analysis of an electrically large gun configuration. The acceleration of the electrons takes place in only a small part of the computational domain, virtually 90% of the gun consists of a drift-tube.The electric field is established by the cathode, which actsat the sametime as particle source, a head electrode and the anode, which incorporates the drift-tube. The magnetic field is produced by a large current-driven drum roll and guide bya highly permeable cylinder which encloses the whole configuration.The above figure shows the geometry of the gun wh ich consists of hollow cylinders forming the guide for the magnetic field, the drift tube, the emitting cathode and thefocussing cathode. typical construction features used to create the model include lofting, chamfering and mix operations.The geometric properties of the coils were createdwith the aid oftwo curves, one for the coil cross-section, the other for the coil sweep path.

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