
Monday, March 25, 2019

Government: Less is More Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Government Less is More Land of liberty, land of freedom, a land by, for, and of the people. Have you honestly ever affected one give voice the authorities has spoken? Do you do anything in daily feel with come forward the subtle involvement of Uncle Sam? Everything you see and use is political science approved, or else it is illegal to use it. There are many groups adamantly protesting, or rather complaining, about the amount of control the government has. I am not of the belief that the government is out to get us and we should bribe as many weapons as possible to fight them off. I withal dont believe we should not obey laws because we are not happy with them. I do feel, however, we need to become aware of the problems we face because of this excessive control. Lets find out at some of these problems. First of all, our government knows more about us than we know about ourselves. They have access to virtually any tuition they could ever want. There is no apparent harm in this, hardly why is it necessary? And if it is, maybe we should change our programs so its not. There is a potential, a highly unlikely one I will admit, for our government to take advantage of that information to our detriment. Why take the chance? almost of the areas our government has too very much control over involve money. For example, the eudaimonia system in our free enterprise society is simply the government taking our money, whether we want to give it or not, not to mention how much of it they want, and distributing it as they feel best. I can understand the need for well-being during the depression. It was a plan of action for a time of crisis, and it worked. We have been out of that crisis for seventy years. I think its time to change. Our curr... ...y, yes. Respectfully, of course. Nonviolently, absolutely. But when told how to think or how to behave we dont. We disobey social protocol that stifles and stigmatizes personal freedom. I in condition(p) the awesome power of disobedience from...every great man who led those with dependable against those with might. (Heston) Works Cited Belz, Joel. Wrong Without a Remedy. World. Nov. 20-27, 1999 Center on Budget and constitution Priorities. Major Provisions of the Welfare to Work Legislation. CBPP Web Page. Cbpp.org/609wtw.htm, URL325298, 6-9-98. De La Rocha, Zach. Snack Charmer. Evil Empire. Sony Entertainment 1996. Heston, Charlton. Winning the Cultural War. Speech effrontery to Harvard Law School Foru. Feb, 16, 1999 Orwell, George. 1984. New York, NY Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983 Thomas, Cal. Outlaws and Their Guns. World. Nov. 20-27, 1999.

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