
Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Healthcare Environmental Checklist Essay -- Healthcare

The built environment undoubtedly affects the quality and cargon to the patients and family members. Patients and family members are expecting from a health care organization a well built environment that is suitable and accessible, caring for family, encouraging or beneficial to wellbeing, confidential, considerate, pay off and safe. The environment checklist is an assessment tool that will help healthcare organisational designers and health care administrations accumulate information about consumers necessarily, billhook satisfaction, and provide facility comparisons for molding the industrys best practices. I reviewed the environmental checklist in my facility and discussed with my nursing manager the areas that need cash advance and the areas that performing well. The three most important areas that I would address that needs to recover are 1. study systems in place, 2.Staffing requirements and 3.Patients discharge.1.Information systems in place. The rising appeal of health care and the lack of health insurance coverage for over 15% of the U.S. population pee-pee appeared as important political, economic and policy concerns. Hospitals have to find ways to develop effectiveness to drive down the appeal of their services. Hospital organizations in United States are facing pressures to control costs, and to amend quality outgrowths. Information systems (IS) have an integral role in addressing these challenges. fortunate presentation of Information systems (IS) in the healthcare industry can constrain new professional models. Dramatic improvement in technology improves the accessibility of clinical data with no time and so improves patient outcome and care management. Information technologies can assist in the reform of organizations and h... ...tcomes. work CitedFichman, R., Kohli, R., & Krishnan, R. (Eds.) (2010). THE ROLE OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS Synergies from an interdisciplinary perspective. Retrieved from http//www. informs.org/Pubs/ISR/Special-Issues/Special-Issue-on-IS-in-HealthcareHealth Information Technology. (2011). Retrieved from http//www.kaiseredu.org/issue-Modules/Health-Information-Technology/Background-Brief.aspx?&lang=en_us&output=jsonHealthy Work Environments Standards. (2011). Retrieved from www.aacn.org/WD/HWE/Docs/HWEStandards.pdfHeller, B. R., Oros, M. T., & Durney-Crowley, J. (2011). The Future of Nursing Education decade Trends to Watch. Retrieved from http//www.nln.org/nlnjournal/infotrends.htmHughes, R. G. (2008). Patient Safety and Quality An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Retrieved from http//www.ahrq.gov/qual/nurseshdbk/

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