
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Real Heroes in our Society Essay -- Hero heroes Heroic Essays

received Heroes in our SocietyThe Lone Ranger, Zorro, Batman, Superman ar some of the characters that we stereotypically realize as heroes. They be kn witness to fight with courage without fear of death. They deflower the enemy within a blink of an eye. They fight using their own body strength, superpower, or some kind of weapon. They come to the rescue miraculously and leave without a trace. They be mysterious. We are un commensurate to identify who they are underneath the masks and disguises. Yet, we praise them and ignore the real heroes that surround us regularly, ordinarily. all(a) of us like to believe that in a moral collar we will behave like the heroes of our youth, bravely and forthrightly, without thought of personal sack or discredit (OBrien 39). In other words, we are quite indifferent to the ordinary populate of the world that are, in fact, the square heroes. These heroes are not the equivalents to the Lone Ranger or Superman they might even take t o the woods instead of fight a dangerous situation. However, when they do fight, they fight with bod and bone. They fight with emotions and tears. They fight with anger and fears. They fight with confusion. They fight for their country. They fight to subdue the shame and embarrassment. They fight because of obligations to the family, to the country, and to themselves. The heroes that come to mind through these descriptions are the ones armed combat in uniforms. They are fighting in lands unknown. They are captured and tortured. They are novel and nave but they are obligated to perform their patriotic duties. They are the soldiers of my country, your country, and our country. They are the protagonists and characters of The Things They Carried, The Sorrow of War, and Crossing ... ...nd embarrassed with their true desires not to fight. at that place is no freewill at this point because they feel obligated to be the patriotic men. They are confused not knowing the reas on for this struggle but that it is to stop the Communists, clear and simple (OBrien 45). Unfortunately is it not plain and simple, even a million words would not be able to express the experiences that these young men endure. Unlike the Lone Ranger, the soldiers would rather vanish due to the natural human instincts toward a dangerous situation. Yet, they suppress their true feelings and fight with all they have. As we can see, the ones that fight to help people that they hardly know are indeed the regular, normal, and everyday human beings. With this in mind, we cannot count on the Lone Ranger to come to the rescue rather, the heroes are right before our eyes. They are an everyman.

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