
Friday, February 8, 2019

Jackson Sucks :: essays research papers

capital of Mississippi Sucks (The obvious, and non so obvious reasons)     If there was a website for this story it would be www.jacksonhighsucks.edu. Theres no other way to say it simplyJackson is the worst affair since Alf. Being a senior, that means I have been here for intravenous feeding years (Sadly, this is the only thing I have ever knowledgeable from this establishment.) Yes, thats four years of pain and misery, so I impart detail to you why Jackson has been such a torture.      O.K. maybe it wasnt such a torture but you know what I mean. take for grantedt get me wrong I love high school, and it entrust suck to be leaving this place to go to college (Western Washington University GO Vikings woo Extreeeeme) but at the same time I am ready to leave this dump. I constantly hear on a day to day basis in the hallways rants and ravings astir(predicate) how this school sucks, so obvious or not it is not only me. Everyone loathes schoo l, but what makes Jackson so different that it sucks so much compared to other schools? I mean, what sets it asunder that makes it so unique? Today I will bring up a couple points with you. Some reasons why Jackson sucks is because of the academic select Jackson possesses, the administration, the ASB (Or lack thereof), the student body (YOU), and finally school lunches. take lunchesFirst we will tackle the most important of issues I requisite to discuss. School lunches. A look at these lunches will surely let down any student. Not only a student, but if some Somali kid were to dine at our very very fine five dollar bill star establishment, they would be like Whats going on? Wheres the sustenance? I WANT THE FOOOOOD"      You often hear people rant and rave more or less cafeteria food, you could have heard this through movies, or just from peers. Jackson is no exception. While I will give the food here at Jackson a passing quality factor, the measly po rtions lead me to take the schools on some type of welfare system. Its about 1130, and umteen students havent eaten some breakfast, so they are famishment. So starving they are at the point of eating REAL baby tush ribs (*background noise* thats what Im talking about) if you catch my drift. The lines are long and there is absolutely no blank to even move. There is such a lack of space for signification that there is an occasional jerk face that is walking out with this food and bumps you with his turkey gravy platter and blotches gravy excrements on to your face which scolds and blisters.

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