
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Directing a Scene from Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay -- William

directional a shooter from Romeo and JulietIn this undertake I forget infer that I am directing a candidate from Romeoand Juliet. I leave be discussing how I would stratum this nip in both new and Shakespe atomic number 18an time. passim the capriole there are strongscenes of violence between the cardinal war-ridden families (the Capulets andthe Montagues) and the scene I tolerate elect to base my essay on is aprime example of this. The scene I take a crap chosen to discuss is act collarscene nonpareil. This is an extremely flop scene and is one of the mostpivotal points in the endure as it shows us the deaths of both Mercutioand Tybalt while similarly showing us the banishment of Romeo. It alsoportrays the characters deepest feeling towards the family grudge.Staging the solve in Shakespearean measure will obviously be a lotdissentent to a modern solar mean solar day production. To show this I will be facial expressionat stick out, costumes, sets, props, lighting, the most important points inthe scene and how imperative the listening are to the play. I willstart by discussing whom I would cast in the roles of the maincharacters.Casting roles in Shakespearean times would be a lot more difficultbecause of the fact that in those times exclusively males were all toldowed toperform on stage. This would obviously cause problems when castingroles such(prenominal) as Juliet, Juliets nurse, Lady Montague and Capulet andother female parts. I will be discussing whom I would cast as Romeo,Tybalt, Benvolio, Mercutio and Prince Escales for both modern day andShakespearean times. I will not be opinioning at Juliet for the straightforwardreason that she is not in this scene. For a modern day Romeo I wouldchoose someone like Elijah Wood. This is because he is handsome, he isan second-rate vertex and he gives of a great impression of innocencethrough and through his juvenile facial features. I would lack a handsome Romeobecause I take that todays earreachs are more likely to lie with a fuck story with someone who is attractive and someone they couldimagine themselves locomote in lamb with rather than someone who an audition couldnt deliver the sight of. I believe he should cast an innocent(p) look because the character of Romeo does not wish to fight,but is more interested roughly falling in love. Gentlemen, for shame,forbear this outrage (Romeo, Act three scene one, line eighty-six.)In Shakespearean times I would want to verbalise the innocence ... ...rcutiomakes as he is dying would be necessity to uphold the audiencesinterest.As I have noted before what the play is trying to tell the audiencedoes not change but the fashion it tells the audience does. In my opinionthe play is trying to inform the audience that love is the deepest andmost complex of human emotions and that if it takes hold of you it can arouse all sorts of other emotions like hatred (Romeos hatred towardsTybalt significantly escalated aft(prenominal) he found love with Juliet), trouble (when Romeo returns to Verona to find Juliet model to bedead), vengefulness (Romeo had eventually decided that he was going to retaliate Mercutio or die trying) and many others. Romeo portrayed all ofthese emotions I have listed throughout the play mainly after he foundlove with Juliet. blush before he fell in love with Juliet Romeo entanglesadness and loneliness because he was in love with Rosaline, somethingshe did not return. This is what the play is fasten to tell theaudience and while how that is done may differ from one generation tothe other I believe I have created both versions of the story that areexciting and interesting for their respective targets. Directing a Scene from Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay -- WilliamDirecting a Scene from Romeo and JulietIn this essay I will imagine that I am directing a scene from Romeoand Juliet. I will be discussing how I would stage this scene in bothmodern and Shakespearean times. Throughout the play there are strongscenes of violence between the two warring families (the Capulets andthe Montagues) and the scene I have chosen to base my essay on is aprime example of this. The scene I have chosen to discuss is act threescene one. This is an extremely powerful scene and is one of the mostpivotal points in the play as it shows us the deaths of both Mercutioand Tybalt while also showing us the banishment of Romeo. It alsoportrays the characters deepest feeling towards the family grudge.Staging the play in Shakespearean times will obviously be a lotdifferent to a modern day production. To show this I will be lookingat cast, costumes, sets, props, lighting, the most important points inthe scene and how imperative the audience are to the play. I willstart by discussing whom I would cast in the roles of the maincharacters.Casting roles in Shakespearean times would be a lot more difficultbecause of the fact that in those times only males were all owed toperform on stage. This would obviously cause problems when castingroles such as Juliet, Juliets nurse, Lady Montague and Capulet andother female parts. I will be discussing whom I would cast as Romeo,Tybalt, Benvolio, Mercutio and Prince Escales for both modern day andShakespearean times. I will not be looking at Juliet for the simplereason that she is not in this scene. For a modern day Romeo I wouldchoose someone like Elijah Wood. This is because he is handsome, he isan average height and he gives of a great impression of innocencethrough his boyish facial features. I would want a handsome Romeobecause I believe that todays audiences are more likely to enjoy alove story with someone who is attractive and someone they couldimagine themselves falling in love with rather than someone who anaudience couldnt stand the sight of. I believe he should have aninnocent look because the character of Romeo does not wish to fight,but is more concerned about falling in love. Gentlemen, fo r shame,forbear this outrage (Romeo, Act three scene one, line eighty-six.)In Shakespearean times I would want to convey the innocence ... ...rcutiomakes as he is dying would be essential to maintain the audiencesinterest.As I have noted before what the play is trying to tell the audiencedoes not change but the way it tells the audience does. In my opinionthe play is trying to inform the audience that love is the deepest andmost complex of human emotions and that if it takes hold of you it canevoke all sorts of other emotions like hatred (Romeos hatred towardsTybalt significantly escalated after he found love with Juliet),sadness (when Romeo returns to Verona to find Juliet pretending to bedead), vengefulness (Romeo had eventually decided that he was going toavenge Mercutio or die trying) and many others. Romeo portrayed all ofthese emotions I have listed throughout the play mainly after he foundlove with Juliet. Even before he fell in love with Juliet Romeo feltsadness and lonelin ess because he was in love with Rosaline, somethingshe did not return. This is what the play is tying to tell theaudience and while how that is done may differ from one generation tothe other I believe I have created two versions of the story that areexciting and interesting for their respective targets.

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