
Friday, December 14, 2018

'Dracula vs Blade\r'

'Essay †The Consequence Of Modernity The context of a point of time in bill greatly influences an author’s idea to acquire a story, and for nighone else to evolve them. Events occurring at heart indian lodge and the way people perceive other’s at a time overly contri all ifes majorly to the ripening of modernness. Bram stoker’s clean ‘genus genus Dracula’ and David Goyer’s film ‘Blade terce’ secern signifi burn downtly as a result of difference in context. Weaponry had developed immensely over the twain stories to cater for the advancements from one classic vampire to a fresh, modern, powerful one.The story of ‘Dracula’, set in mincing multiplication, consists of the simple, almost primitive weapons system, particularly ones of a superstitious and religious value. For example, Holy Water, Church Wafers, ail and crucifixes were used mostly to ward off Dracula, alone the one weapon to defeat him was a Bowie Knife, goaded with the heart, causing his body to crumble into a pile of dust. These weapons used were frameed to the times the novel was set in, and were designed to be a peer for the current Dracula’s capabilities.An incredible air was cast between the weaponry in deuce texts, as ‘Blade triple’ evidently expressed the advancements of technology by means of the use of several(prenominal) variations of withall guns, assault rifles and pistols. Not tho gun machinery was used, still also weapon ideas created for the movie under the kinsperson of ‘Nightstalker armoury’ much(prenominal) as laser bows and arrows, electronic pistols, and most famously known for destroying the modern-day vampire race, the Daystar Serum. This use of developed technology from Stocker’s novel to Goyer’s film created the effect of updated aspects to suit the change of attitudes in familiarity.The intention behind these detectable advan cements of weaponry was to assist the technology to fit suitably with the increasingly powerful capabilities of ‘Blade Trinity’s’ Drake. The espousal and tolerance of violence at bottom nine would have also created a f feator lend to weaponry advancements, as weapons became incredibly lethal with and through the movie ‘Blade Trinity’. Due to the pattern of night club sharing a greater acceptance of violence in media, weaponry was the very face-to-face to ‘sugar-coated’, and was portrayed as destructive as possible, only serving the purpose to kill.This could have been a possible reason as to why the weaponry to fight off a vampire had developed so differently into such deadly technology. The supra points assist validate the idea of context, and habits of society greatly contributing to the newer weaponry designed to suit and set to the ‘villains’ they ar used to fight with against. The change in times can almost ‘transform’ computer addressistics of a character, as evident through the two compargon texts. Stoker’s Dracula and ‘Blade Trinity’s’ Drake display a great personal difference between them, which became appargonnt through comparison.Dracula’s dark appearance was firstly portrayed through Stoker’s novel as â€Å"… clad in black from head to foot, without a undivided speck of colour about him anywhere. ” He was also described as sporting a intelligent moustache, massive eyebrows, and bushy hair. He was of age, and wore distinctive and unmistakeable features upon his face. display is an immediately noticeable difference between the two versions of head vampire, as Drake is portrayed visually as a modernised, young, handsome and clean-cut variation. He wore as clothes; a chest-bare, white buttoned up shirt and pants, as well as several issuelaces.Already, the colour difference of garments is clear, as the wide- eyedy-black clothed Dracula portrays a dark, classic look, whereas Drake sports a westernised uniform, almost utterly fitting into the rest of society. As exposed through the scope of Drake marching almost fiercely through the busy streets of an American city, his appearance assists him to virtually break down in with the rest of the normally dressed, city-goers. Unlike Drake, Dracula unquestionably stood out from any person ordinarily dressed, as yet in the Victorian Era.This gave the effect of an obvious modernization, and again, was an aspect created to suit the current audience and mixer habits. Differing context can prove to not only impact how a character is portrayed visually, but also how society perceives them, particularly with the uncertain impression of vampires possibly still being a myth or legend within both texts. Stoker’s Dracula was generally feared by his contact community, and believers of vampires tended to be over-superstitious of the danger he whitethorn crop to people.The myth of vampires was a topic infrequently prepare in an average conversation, as it was dreaded that even discussion would transport cursed luck and risks. intolerance is conveyed through the scene of the innkeeper’s married woman delivering the ominous warning to Harker by cautioning him that â€Å"All the deplorable things in the world will have full sway”, before placing the Crucifix around his neck as a religious offering to hopefully serve the purpose of protection. This gives the effect that Dracula has a power above others, plain because they are horrific of him.Also, the way Dracula is written about expresses a sense that he may or may not intentionally give off an unwelcoming straw man that tends to linger and produce a discomfort or fear among people within his surroundings, mostly in the earlier chapters of the novel. The contrast in comparison to society’s perception of Drake is tremendous, as the myth or legend of vampires is far from a secret in the twenty-first century world of ‘Blade Trinity’. It is seen through the opening scene that vampires are discussed commonly on news events, designed to assert and propound the public of any danger emerging within the city.This shows immediately that the public is obviously used to hear about the possible risks that arise with the company of vampires, which can again support the idea of rates of modernism and development does in fact depend of how and how frequently changes in attitudes and culture occurs within society. A scene example of the general whole of society’s views and perception in Blade Trinity was the tattoo parlour of which Drake had entered, and to his disgust, was mocked by several dozens of comedic merchandising, Dracula-themed products.Drake became visibly outraged, taking out his frustration on the storekeeper’s, as he was clearly insulted with the modernisation draw close vampires were experienc ing, having some aspects of their lives portrayed a little too light-heartedly and humorously. This scene is an example of the great contrast of which seriousness seemed to begin to be lacking from the vampire myth concept, whereas such merchandise products supplied in the Victorian times would have been less than humorous.These examples again support any reason for change and modernisation occurring simply to adapt to the forever-changing social interests of the public. The average women of Victorian times were nothing other than lady-like, pure, and honourable without question. That is why there is such a severe distinction when compared to some particular hard-hitting, courageous and heroic females of the 21st century, such as ‘Blade Trinity’s’ character Abigail.Firstly, ‘Dracula’s’ leading female characters mynah and Lucy are great examples of typical, virtuous Victorian women, and are both also men-focused. Lucy portrays an obvious int ernal magnetism, and cannot help but be drawn to several men. on the face of it she is offered three proposals in one day, and proudly expresses, â€Å"why can’t they let a daughter marry three men, or as many a(prenominal) want her, and save all this trouble? ” mynah is a different kind of man-focused Victorian woman, as she is far from sexually driven unlike Lucy, and cares only for further ways to be useful and of import to her husband.The two girls possess common womanhood values, and act only as socially accepted as woman, which is to behave in a feminine and honourable manner, with the exception of acting as a sexual tease when desired. Whereas in Blade Trinity, it is seen that Abigail (a strong-headed, determined tomboy), is the discharge opposite of the original characteristics possessed by minah and Lucy. Abigail competes with the equivalent strength and determination of her male team up partner Hannibal King, and is often the one rescuing Hannibal fr om danger.She possesses a chivalric temperament, and demonstrates brute-strength in scenes such as the train station, of which teenage-vamps’ onrush to devour her decoy baby and herself, but are stopped immediately once she whips out her lethal weapons, specifically designed for destroying vampires. She proves to be close to physically unstoppable, and has the willpower to take over the world. This swapping of gender roles is a reflection of what is currently recognised by society as a positive concept, as the 21st century’s restrictions on what woman are capable of in a man’s world are decreasing.Therefore a consequence of modernity would be that gender roles may have become less specific in society, which is reflected in the personality changes of characters of ‘Dracula’ compared to ‘Blade Trinity’. In conclusion, unexceptionable practices and cultures within society are what influence the advancements and modernisation of one sto ry to another. Cultures are constantly changing, thusly ideas such as gender roles and technology within stories for example, will forever be adapting to the demands of society at that present time.\r\n'

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