
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Selection For Officer Candidate School

I would like to start by emphasizing that it is my goal to b suppress a licenced officer , and I am determined to face whatever odds to achieve this goalIn my stick to , being a Commissioned Officer is being a draw , in its truest essence , and in the tradition of the U .S . Coast Guard . I guess that if there is each(prenominal) organization where effective loss lead must be cultivated and developed , it is in the phalanx . In hear of this , I could say that I am up to self-colored what the mark requires p I look forward to to lead a Commissioned Officer with Leadership as my battlecry , twain as an determination , and as a means . As an end , it has perpetually been my passion to plow a loss leader of men . avail as a Commissioned Officer would become a realization of this passion . Meanwhile , leadership has become a means for me because I exercise the desired leadership traits to wank every man on my team to naturalise for the achievement of every mission . Leadership is entwined with my values , both as a man in uniform , and as a personIn the past , I save exemplified leadership by function 4 years in the US Marines . in that location , I gestate earned the respect , confidence , and devoted cooperation of other(a) Marines by demonstrating leadership traits such(prenominal) as Justice , sagaciousness , Dependability , Initiative , Decisiveness , Tact Integrity , ardor , Bearing , Unselfishness , Courage , Knowledge Loyalty and EnduranceI impart also displayed skills , specifically in communication and information conflict place , as a linguist under a DEA perplex . This specialty on the field of intelligence adds to my authentication as an Officer Candidate and as a leader . I am fluent in other languages such as Italian and Spanish , and these excellent communica tion skills would swear out as helpful addi! tions to my skills if ever I am fit to become an Officer .
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I believe that it is crucial that a leader knows how to communicate with his men and with other people to whom traffic calls him to accost to . With my excellent language skills , along with the leadership traits that I save gained from my experience in the US Marines and from the training in the Officer Candidate School , I am confirming that I would be fitting to communicate ideas and intentions well . I believe this ability is rare among other aspiring leadersWith regards to the fundamentals of military and leadership skills , I believe that I have full competence , and my performance will certainly tell of this . up to now , since people say that nobody is stainless and that there would forever be loopholes into the ideal , I gift to keep on striving everyday to become the Leader that I desire to become . This is my passion . And I hope that through this write up , I have been able to narrate well astir(predicate) my potentials and capabilities , enough to bring me closer to my goals and objectivesReferencesMarine army corps Leadership Traits . Competencies Skills . ticker for Strategic Leadership Studies . Retrieved 07 Nov 2006 atHYPERLINK http /leadership .au .af...If you sine qua non to spring up a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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