
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Punishment to a Child

Physical Punishment to a Child I lately read an article stating that spanking a child leads to big intellectual illness. This article was published by a Mr. Michael smith July 2, 2012. He stated that child punishment such as hitting, slapping, and spanking causes an increase in the happen of mental disorders as an adult. However I have different views on somatogenetic punishment of a child. I cerebrate that there is a right way to somatogeneticly plain a child. more importantly, forcible punishment does not necessarily result in mental or emotional trauma. In fact I believe spankings push aside have more positive outcomes than negatives. * ------------------------------------------------- Mr. metalworker believed that at least 7% of most(prenominal) adult disorders be cod to harsh corporeal punishment as a child. Mr. metalworker and some of his colleague conducted a work which include rough 34,653 adults. Out of that group only 5.9% admitted to perso nally being punish as a child. Mr. Smiths survey showed that bodily child punishment causes a greater risk for major(ip) depression, mania, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and alcohol and drug misuse or dependence.
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* ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- A similar article stated that most criminals outcome on the criminal life due to childhood discipline in the aggressive physical form. According to a recent article by Jan Hunt the correlation betwixt physical p arnting and aggressive or violent behavior be linked in adulthood. A s a result of physical parenting, the argume! nt was brought up that spanking a child dirty dog result in the child becoming a spanker themselves once they become parents in the future. Might makes right quoted by Jan Hunt, says that in a childs eyes: as long as I am bigger than you, my might will forever and a day be right. * ------------------------------------------------- I dont agree with this article, nor do I agree with any studies related to this...If you want to fit out a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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