
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

HENRY DAVID THOREAU - Civil Disobedience

Question : What is the relationship between Civil Disobedience and single(a) Freedom? Thoreau perplexs a couple great distinctions between CD and individual Freedom. One great thing that he points wall socket is that, If a country is being ruled over, by a corrupt or impure governing body (IE a government that doesnt have the conscious of the ruled in mind). accordingly the hoi polloi, the people that are being governed, and ruled, to ripe(p) the wrongs that said government is infringing on them. He makes a good point, when relating this to soldiers, he hints at the notion, that hitherto so though soldiers are praised by the people, they shouldnt be, because the government has bleak them of any moral consciousness, and shaped them into what they governments intentions and motives are. He actually relates the solider to a hotdog or some type of machinery, because like a dog, it acts unwrap the will of its owner, meaning that the dog totally disregards its nature, a nd follows blindly to the authority. He also thinks that choose isnt pure either, by this he means, that voting is as he puts it feeble because its just exhausting to make the right choice, within this scenario, there is still a peril of the majority not being what YOU voted for, therefore loss it up to the majority.
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So a person in the right mind set, would not leave his good moral intentions affair to the majority. As a result of practicing (more or less) what he preached, he was sent to jail, for refusing to pay taxes (which in his mind is immoral). And he makes a great point in saying that, (rather pessimisti cally) heretofore though there was wall bet! ween him and his country men, that he apothegm a even greater one in movement of them, and that they will never be as fire as him. Because by this logic, he knows that no matter how practically he says, that the normal person will go with the majority, trying to democratically vote, while still helping with the motives of the privileged fewer in office. And after this he knows, that the average...If you want to get a unspoilt essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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