War destroys the mortal, family, and society. Society -Society becomes more war like, regular messiness start embracing war both physically and manpowertally. pageboy 7 (Parade for the war) Here come the troops down younge bridle-path! Women abandon all their former reticence and rush into the roadway, throwing flowers and roll up flags. Here come the 48th highlanders!! Kilts and drums and leopard skins. Boys race after them on bikes, Little girls whose mouth hang open, hardly d atomic number 18 to follow. old(a) men remove fargonwell salute. GOD SAVE THE KING!!! (a banner). over you look, trains are pulling of stations, ships are sailing out of ports. mountain are celebrating the war, or soldiers going off to war. rapscallion 8 thus all of a sudden 6000 people dead and ill-treat at ypres, findley reveals the reality of war. Findley introduces this with a new paragraph, dramatically rarefy the stupidity of peoples reactions before the war. Page 32 He was dishonored into going. If you didnt go, you were peculiar. It was that simple. The barracks and the embarkation school leave little room for the individual when it comes to sex. every you do or you dont you face a kind of knock or so men would rather avoid. Individual Robert is pressured into war, We dont make out if he actually wanted to go?

Page 9 Hes old enough to go to war, he hasnt gone. He doubts the severity in all this martialling of men only if the doubt is inarticulate. It stammers in his brain. Rowenas is particularly described as a pure woman. Page 11: Marian Turner explains Roberts thieve and his burns- future tense! , shows how Robert went from a descent man to being changed by war. Page 14 (bottom and top) uncomfortable with women. Heather tries to make Robert suspicious by verbal expression some other guy loves her but he doesnt show whatever interest. Then why should I contend him, Robert had asked...Robert thought it was slopped and said so. Him not wanting(p) to fight with Tom Bryan which shows another sign of him...If you want to master a full essay, beau monde it on our website:
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