Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Racial profiling Essay
There be several(prenominal) controersial issues surrounding racial compose and the various problems that are encountered as a result of it. one(a)(a) issue is whether or not racial pen exists. Most virtue enforcement departments refuse to undergo a study and they deny that racial compose exists. These problems, coupled with the status of literature regarding this topic at this point, are to a greater extent unreliable than scientific. In addition, the topic is controversial because the United States believes that it has rid itself of injustice and racism, and to open the topic of racial compose by rightfulness enforcement personnel is admitting that its possible the nation is backsliding. As a result, the events of September 11th stepped up the pace of racial indite by lawfulness enforcement and grew to include untested groups of people.racial profiling is a topic that is seen across the nation in the media. Racial profiling has often been referred to as the apparitio n occurrence because so far departments across the nation clearly deny its existence. The topic is a growing one in light of the September 11, 2001 attacks on America. Racial profiling has been a top news story since that attack and it was an issue for many years before that.The compeer protection article can be found in the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution. It simply press outs that, No state sh alone contribute or enforce any law which shall bowdlerise the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United Statesnor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. In former(a) words, this meant that the Constitution would become nonracist. State laws would no longer be allowed to treat whites and blacks differently. The coercive speak to relied heavily upon the separate but equal doctrine to determine when a state law violated the equal protection clause.This is also how the unequivocal Court would determine what is considered to be dis crimination. In order to prove that a state is guilty of discrimination there must be an overwhelming amount of evidence supporting the claim. This was evident in the case of working capital vs. Davis, where the Court ruled against two blacks who claimed that the hiring practices of the D.C. Police division were judicial towards racial minorities. The Supreme Court said that the hiring practices did not violate the Equal  security measure Clause of the 14th Amendment.Equal Protection is described as the right on of all persons to begin the same access to the law and courts and to be interact equally by the law and courts, both in procedures and in the totality of the law. It is similar to the right to due process of law, but in particular applies to equal treatment as an aspect of fundamental fairness. The roughly famous case on this subject is Brown v. Board of breeding of Topeka (1954) in which Chief Justice Earl Warren, for a undivided Supreme Court, ruled that separ ate but equal educational facilities for blacks were essentially incommensurate and unconstitutional since the segregated school system did not give all students equal rights under the law. It will also apply to other inequalities such as discrimination in pay for the same work or unequal taxation. The principle is stated in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution No State shalldeny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.One of the hardest things to argue in this intense topic is whether or not it exists. There is not a law enforcement agency in the nation that has stepped up to the plate and acknowledged that it does indeed profile hold racial criteria. It is something that New York Citys Law Enforcement Department has been accuse of over and over again, while the chiefs and whitethornors unwaveringly deny the rumors. It is something that the media use immaculate segments trying to prove with the cases that are claimed to turn over happened bec ause of it (Colb, 2000). Numerous studies over the retiring(a) few years have proven what many have cognise for decades law enforcement agents at all levels consistently use race, ethnicity, national origin, and faith when choosing which individuals should be stopped and searched. Discriminatory racial profiling is a astray deald problem in communities across the country.States are beginning to recognize the need to address this discriminatory practice. The practice of racial profiling occurs when law enforcement officers target suspects on the basis of race, national origin, ethnicity, or religion. Racial profiling is not just an issue of who gets stopped, but why they are stopped, and how they are treated. In 1999, the federal government and New Jersey came to an exceptional savvy that state troopers would no longer use race as a factor in highway traffic stops. This agreement came about after an investigation of jurisprudence records revealed that African Americans and Latinos drove three-fourths of the cars searched on state highways.One might wonder how police balance their enforcement knowledge against the potential difference for discrimination found on stereotyping, or whats commonly called racial profiling? Its a complex, provoking issue, but by starting signal to look at police upbringing may help to number out the source. For law-enforcement personnel, training and experience are critical. Training comes from many sources. It begins with the sign training academy, and continues with ongoing updates known as in-service training.Additional formal training happens when a field-training officer (a police officers first route partner) assists with law enforcements version of on-the- parentage training. Somewhere along the progression, cozy training begins. It takes place anywhere and everywhere, and continues throughout a career. And just the likes of in any job, officers learn to cut corners, streamline processes and get the job done. T he end result can be a more cost-efficient employee or one who omits necessary steps in the processes.On one front, police brutality occurs when an officer has difficulty judging the need to utilize force. An officers career depends on police-survival skills that can make the difference for continued existence. Knowing when to go for your gun or when to issue a verbal command is a acquire skill. It requires good training, time on the job, and repeated exposure to incidents. Equally, a crucial part of this is the guidance and make of senior officers, not to mention the officers own motivations of fear, physiological abilities and the like.There are many factors that influence an officers decisions when it comes to discriminatory issues and law enforcement. The manor, in which an officer is socially experienced, in both passe-partout and personal settings, plays a major role. Bringing about the stereotype of vernal African-American men as criminals can come from both of thes e tracts. same everyone else, police must unlearn this bias and judge people based on their actions alone. The big difference is that police, at times, have power over our freedom. Racial profiling of African-Americans and Latinos is rampant at all levels of law enforcement today. For example, some 72 percent of all routine traffic stops on an interstate in the Northeast were of African-American drivers, despite the fact that African-Americans make up only about 17 percent of the driving population, consort to a study by the American Civil Liberties Union.In the moment of September 11, racial profiling of Arabs and South Asians has increased very more than so. Since the terrorist attacks, individuals who appear to be of Arab or South Asian descent have been targeted for special inquiry. For example, many have been asked to leave airplanes for no reason other than their appearance. In the case of Arab look a likes on airplanes, many have been asked to remove their turbans, a vio lation of their religious practices.Few state or federal agencies collect entropy on the incidence of racial profiling. The U.S. Department of Justice only recently issued voluntary guidelines that states should follow, producing in 2000, A resource Guide on Racial Profiling Data Collection Systems.This put down provides an overview of the nature of racial profiling, a description of data exhibition and its purpose, online activities in California, New Jersey, and North Carolina, and policy recommendations. Collecting accurate data is a critical first step toward eliminating the practice of racial profiling and bridging the lack of trust between law enforcement agencies and communities of color.Developing and implementing data collection systems will help to eliminate intentional and unintentional profiling and indemnify trust in law enforcement agencies. States that require law enforcement officials to collect nurture regarding the race, ethnicity, gender and age of each dri ver stopped by police will also help. The reporting requirements also include noting what actions (citation, warnings, tickets) were taken, and, if a vehicle search was conducted, whether it was based upon consent, probable cause, or reasonable suspicion of a crime.The potential for abuse of power in most law enforcement departments exists for several reasons. Incorporated with the lack of literature regarding the topic at this point, most law enforcement departs refuse to undergo a study and they deny that racial profiling exists, the controversial issues in regards to prejudice and racism, and the added events of September 11th racial profiling by law enforcement grew to include new groups of people. However, many police departments are aggressively addressing these issues with added training and stiffer sanctions for violating a citizens civil rights. Through the years, the learned patterns of criminality, real or perceived, have given us the institution of profiling. The un learning of these patterns may take just as long.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Is Atheism a Religion Essay
Throughout the countless generations of our existence, we as a orbicular community have pondered a variety of noneworthy enquiries. Most nonably, the pursuit come to the forefront. How did the universe come into existence? Does idol exist? Does disgust exist? What is the last reality? The emergence of these thought provoking questions is something we as a society have become accustomed to debating. Ration exclusivelyy speaking, on that point simply ordure non be one comminuted justification for these questions. Judging on the history of this heated topic, it is app arnt that a variety of possibilities have arisen.The integrity of the offspring is that the nature of divinity and trust in itself atomic number 50 be perceived and acted through with(predicate) a broad array of someone impressions. What one individual deems to be the ultimate reality hindquarters dissent tremendously from a nonher individuals viewpoint. Ultimately, a persons culture experiences, traditi ons, and beliefs all carry signifi flockt weight into their perceptions of God and godliness. This in particular, is the ultimate reality. Fortunately for us, the use of piety alleviates some of the speculation as it gives us a firm basis of discussion for furrow sake.To part with, it is fundamental to interpret what is sort out as religion. Religion has been globally famous as a set of symbolic creation views, theories of action and institutions that de none individuals and free radicals of individuals to that which they consider to be the ultimate reality. Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism be all vivid examples of belief systems that are devotedly practiced initiationwide. Although unique in their own individual way, all of these belief systems share the common ground of universe classified as religions.Contrarily, godlessness (although it possesses the ism) is ofttimes disregarded as a religion referable to a variety of cerebrates. non only does legal a ge of the public disregard ungodliness as a religion, however to a fault refuse to accept it as an ideology, philosophical system, worldview, and belief system. Nonetheless, it is vital to construe that religion is merely one mode of reasoning to justify our existence in this intriguing universe. fit to science, the universe came into existence from an arbitrary pop globally accepted as the Big belted ammunition Theory.More specifically, the Big Bang Theory was a theory of the creation of the universe first introduced by George Gamow in the 1940s where the universe started as truly(prenominal) small, dense, and hot near 15 billion years ago and then expanded into our late day universe and fall outs to expand today (Gribbin, 1996). Prior to this colossal event, in that location was no depicted object. However, the purpose of this essay is not to favour one list over an other besides quite to examine the nature of godlessness and reflect on both sides of the argument several(prenominal)ly.Firstly, with regards to ungodliness not universe classified as a religion, m each Christians oppose this situation by stating godlessness bed be classified as a religion. However, through a perspective of the majority who dont, one simply cannot capture this judgement with the encompassing understanding of religion. The item of the issuance is that godlessness lacks every one of the essential characteristics of religion. Furthermore, with the use of various external resources, we can converge a better grasp of what religion is commonly referred to. This in hand over will enable us to elaborate on how Atheism contradicts Religion.According to one resource, Religion can be the service and worship of God or the spectral (Wolf, 2010). By focusing solely on this definition, Atheism is without a doubt NOT a religion due to the fact that Atheism is commonly referred to as the doctrine or belief that on that point is no God. Furthermore, the United State s Supreme Court claims that religion is based on a belief in the existence of God and that religion is founded on different beliefs (Hammar, 1991). This unmixedly contradicts Atheist viewpoints due to the fact that they believe in no supernatural being.Thus, its not possible to call Atheism a religion. It can most by all odds be part of a religion, but it cant be a religion by itself. These two factors are in entirely dissimilar categories. Atheism is the absence seizure seizure of one particular belief while religion is a complex web of traditions and beliefs. An analogy that can be directly correlated with career Atheism a religion is stating that not collecting hockey cards could be classified as a hobby. As you can see, it is evident from the factors listed preceding(prenominal) that Atheism should not be classified as a religion.On the contrary, looking through the perspective of those who consider Atheism a religion, the following points do raise some speculation. To beg in with, Atheists believe that a religion does not necessarily have to be comprised of worshipping a God. For example, as learned in class, there are religions which are classified as polytheistic (Hinduism, Mormonism), monotheistic (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and non-theistic (Buddhism). As you can see, Buddhism is classified as a religion even though Buddhists do not worship a God.To put it into perspective, Atheists claim their religion is anti-theistic, but their Atheism is indeed religious. Moreover, Atheists possess their very own worldview which can be referred to as Materialism. Materialism is a viewpoint that there is in fact only a material world (Li, 2009). Atheists merely interpret information within the very slender worldview of materialism. An analogy that can be made here is that of an individual wearing dark sunglasses to figure out others perception of the sun being out.Additionally, Atheists believe that their own orthodoxy (set of beliefs acceptable to a faith community) should be sufficient for their inclusion as a religion. The reason being, just as there are orthodox Christian beliefs, there is Atheist orthodoxy as well. This orthodoxy preaches that everything can be clarified as the reaping of inadvertent, undirect, meaningless evolution. The basis of Atheist orthodox lies on the fact that no truth claim is adequate if it cannot be subject to scientific scrutiny. In step-up, as discussed in class, there were a variety of prophets for each respective religion.Atheists in their own chasten, have their own prophets as the homogeneouss of Nietzsche, Russell, Feuerbach, Lenin and Marx. Lastly, Atheists have faith. Although it often seems like the opposite, if one looks carefully at their books, the revelation in their writings shows that they condemn faith. The fact of the matter is that the existence of God cannot be corroborate or disproven. In actuality, to deny the existence of God (Atheism) takes faith. An analogy that can be u se to describe the correlation between Atheism and religion is that of raw (which physicists define as the total absence of color) not being categorized as a color.Throughout the world, it is a norm for black to be considered a color disregarding the definition assigned by physicists. However, if black is considered a color then Atheism should most unimpeachably be classified as a religion. In conclusion, looking at religion through a sense of morality, being religious can be looked at being passionate, zealous and religious. We can confirm with serious-mindedness that Atheists are in fact passionate, zealous and scrupulous towards their own respective beliefs.Ultimately, the variability in the definition of religion unimpeachably has an impact on all the uncertainty surrounding Atheisms inclusion in the definition. Unlike our class, the definition of religion is broader in scope. By taking that into consideration, how can one with the utmost credibility confirm that Atheism is or is not a religion when there simply is not one precise definition of religion? The facts above depicted why Atheism can and cannot be classified as a religion. These facts lead to our next argument regarding Atheisms inclusion as an ideology.For this particular argument, the sole viewpoint will be of Atheism not being classified as an ideology due to a lack of facts for the opposed. The negligence towards Atheism being classified as an ideology originates from the fact that An ideology is the body of ideas reflecting the social needs and aspirations of an individual, group, class, or culture (Grobman, 1990). Simply put, it is the collection of myths and beliefs that guide an individual or group of people. Therefore Atheism is not an ideology due to the fact that it does not meet the most integral component of an ideology.This element is the provision of steerage which is directed towards a group of ideas or beliefs. Atheism in itself is the absence of belief in God. Moreover, i t is not even a single belief, oftentimes less a body of beliefs. Secondly, Atheism offers no focus or moral, social or political matters. Consequently, these so called philosophers of religion reason the fact that Atheism is not a religion or ideology and can be a part of both respectively. In addition to the all the contemplation regarding Atheisms inclusion as a religion and ideology, its insertion as a possible philosophical system has also been heavily scrutinized.The denial of Atheisms declaration as a philosophical system will be illustrated below through the perspective of someone who believes Atheism is not a school of thought. An individuals philosophy is their system of principles for guidance in practical affairs (Bronstein, 2008). Although Atheists have individual philosophys by which they live by, the fact of the matter is that Atheism simply does not contain a philosophy to live by collectively. The truth of the matter is that there is no precise defined philo sophy that is common to all Atheists.Additionally, as mentioned above, a philosophy is also comprised of two crucial aspects like an ideology. For one, in order for something to be classified as philosophy, it must be a collection of beliefs that provide guidance to its respective believers. Likewise, Atheism is not a philosophy due to the same reason that it is not an ideology. Atheism is not even a single belief, much less a collaboration of interconnected beliefs. Once again, Atheism can most definitely be a part of a philosophy but not the philosophy itself. Atheists on the other hand, press that their religion is indeed a philosophy.According to their intellect, there is no such religion with a philosophy that encloses so many truths and inspirations. Moreover, Atheism has the ability to prepare us to shell life with its multitude of trials and tribulations. The fact of the matter is that Atheism is based on nature which is the very roots of life itself. In addition, they arg ue that their philosophy is without the additional embellishments and false garments like others. Simply put, there are no pretences attached to it due to the fact that Atheism rises above faith, and puts globe upon one level plane.In the Atheist philosophy, there are no such things like chosen people. There are no supplications, no prayers, no sacrificial redemptions, no divine revelations, no crusades, no massacres, no holy wars, no heaven, no hell, no purgatory, no Christs , no saviours, no devils, no ghosts, and no Gods (Bronstein, 2008). Not only do Atheists claim that their religion is indeed a philosophy, but they strive to make aware the fact that it is a very rattling and courageous philosophy. Courageous in the sense that it is not frightened to live the many dilemmas of life.Moreover, Atheism does an avid job of displaying that there are conflicts which yet remain to be solved. Although Atheism does not allege to have spy all the answers to our existence, it does pro vide us with a sense of assurance by stating it has discovered and learned the appropriate approach. This approach enables us to strive for the ultimate truth by having the mindset that truth for truths sake is the highest ideal and ultimately, merit is its own reward. Atheists articulate the fact that our passion and devotion should be directed to humanity and not a supernatural being because humanity is the high supreme.An analogy that can be made here is that of we cannot help God, but we can help mankind. Hands that help are better farthermost than lips that pray. According to their respective viewpoint, praying and worshipping to God is humiliating and degrading. A massive reiterate that can be directly related to the philosophy of Atheism is that of the great Robert G. Ingersoll. He created the quote that states Give me the storm and tempest of thought and action, rather than the dead calm of ignorance and faith. Banish me from Eden when you will, but first permit me eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. (Robert G. Ingersoll, N. A. )Atheism can be considered as an independent philosophy that enables one to be intellectually free. Atheists also argue that their philosophy approaches what is rather than what is said. They forcefully believe that their philosophy teaches individuals that unless their full attention and devotion is not towards one particular goal, the level of successfulness of that goal can be tampered. An analogy that can be used here is that of failing to prepare, is preparing to fail. No such reliance upon prayers can transform that. We will now discuss whether or not Atheism should be considered a world view so to speak.It is commonly accepted that a worldview is a widespread origin or illustration of the universe and how humanity relates to it. Many theistic individuals argue that Atheism is not a world view due to the fact that it does not offer as any insight on the ultimate reality and its direct relation with us (huma nity). Atheists on the other hand, argue that their religion is in indeed a world view. They are reasoning their assumption on the basis that although Atheism by itself does not offer any guidance on how to study the universe and humanities relation to it, it does however provide us with censure of other possibilities.More notably, those possibilities of origin centered around a supernatural being (God). Therefore, they claim that their worldview is universal in the sense that it excludes God as the origin of creation. Secondly, excluding certain types of world views as potential options can also be considered their world view. The existence of God is indeed a very heated topic merely for the fact that both sides present very strong and influential ideas that really provoke people to think. Disregarding the fact that this topic has been continually debated for centuries, it is inevitable that this topic will continue to sire as a basis of discussion.The fact of the matter is that no matter what day and age we will live in, the debate whether or not God exists will never cease to disappear. Interestingly enough, these debates have triggered a variety of so called arguments for the existence of God and the classification of religion. One of these so called arguments is that of Atheisms inclusion as a religion. The fact of the matter is that majority of the worlds population adamantly oppose this classification. From their perspective, Atheism is simply and tout ensemble an explicit denial of religion.Contrarily, we have individuals in this world who strongly argue that Atheism should be considered a religion just like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and other respective religions. Upon personal research along with the insight received from just about twelve lectures in this very class, it appears as if the complexity in this matter lies not in what the people believe about Atheism, but in the definitions used when referring to religion. It is evident that we are witnessing somewhat of a transition from theism to atheism. However, I personally believe this does not justify Atheisms miscellany as a religion.I will stress that I am not against Atheism in any which form. I respect Atheists for their wonder and willingness to explore what they believe is the ultimate reality. I am merely opposing Atheisms INCLUSION as a religion. In conclusion, it is neither my place nor right to preach my opinions on Atheisms inclusion or exclusion as a religion with the basis of influencing peoples perceptions. I will continue to practice my own religion (Sikhism) and keep MY opinions on the nature of God close to my heart. Like the rest of society, I too am perplex to explain why there is evil and suffering in ur world. I am sure even the most devoted Catholic, Muslim or even Christian has wondered why this is the case. Personally, I believe that my soul knows that there is indeed a God out there and these mysteries are not enough to sway me towards Atheism. Ultimately, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs of religion and God that it would be simply egotistical to justify one concrete reason of our existence. However, I do advise every individual (whether Atheist or believer) to explore many avenues of our existence ranging from science to religion before reaching a conclusion.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Group Participation Contract Essay
In my opinion, the most beta factor that aids a team to work effectively is to fuck off an established inclination that each member works toward. When each mortal is aware of the burster of team, they can consistently contribute their ideas and insights to achieve that goal. Therefore, my primary feather objective in this course is to actively seek the best shipway to achieve the goal at hand. Once a certain goal has been established, I need to remind myself and my team members of that resembling goal in an on-going basis so that the team wont diverge from the direction it must be headed.By continually mentioning the goal that was agreed-upon, it keeps the team touching together which is vital to success. Each member must know how further the team has developed their steps to achieving the goal therefore it would be a real disadvantage when whiz member is behind. Also, the most fundamental judge that must go with teamwork collaboration is team cohesiveness and a senior h igh level of commitment. Without working together and committing to one another, a team get out most likely fail.Each member must trust one another and agree that each individual will give them the same level of dedication as one another. My goal is to give my team members all that I can offer and hopefully, learn as frequently as I can from them to enhance the results. In order to excrete this goal, I vex to actively listen to my team members and see what they have to offer. Teamwork is about giving what you have and learning what you can.
Friday, January 25, 2019
To What Extent Was the Financial Crisis Caused by Too Much or Too Little Government Intervention?
Discussed in this essay will be key factors that contend in the development of the fiscal crisis of 2007, an overview of the causes and instruments used to the build up and assertable preventions, followed by the influences from the establishment, if any that had an underlining effect toward the outcome. The Involvement Of New coast Innovations Bank outstanding has a massive influence on the banking system effecting bestow defaults, profits and alter, although the amount of outstanding wreaking has not decreased appropriately in early 2007, not being due to new lending but the previous loan commitments, lines of character and securitisation. . New innovations have allowed banks reliant on funding grocery store sources, with the rise in the covered beat market and the increase in securitisation made banks dependant on capital markets and less dependant on expanding their loan base allowing banks to easily vary deposits to other forms of financing, acquiring money from af filiates for example.2 Growth in securitisation activity created a deprivation of incentive for banks to grant course credit and comply with monetary form _or_ system of organization changes, an unregulated approach to the screening of borrowers, checks would assume securities passed by the market allowing borrowers in the past declined credit being able to qualify and later on would lead to greater default rates on loans.Thinking that by change the pool of mortgages banks are also passing on the chanceiness, they exposed themselfs , their underwriting issuances, when the market collapsed banks suffered great losses with their related products, by the start of 2008 CDO related redeem downs and credit losses had reached $181 billion the massive decline lead to to a greater extent cautious investors, greater liquidity demand and declining stock, this resulted in massive losses to the bank and securities firms, an example would be the collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brot hers development these examples presentations how coordination compound the system was and lead to the decline of CDO value this had a direct carnal knowledge to the US housing market which began early 2007. Derivatives And Insurance The market for subprime mortgages and their securities grew and increase the market for default insurance, taking the form of credit default swaps a derivative security such as the insurance industry this involves gambling, and is estimated $16 trillion greater whence the gross domestic product.Government sponsored companies like Fannie Mae refused to lend to buyers wanting to purchase homes in poor areas, agreeing to these terms they would have to show proof, distributing quotas of mortgages to ethnic minorities wishing to buy, when lenders were unable to meet these quotas Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac persuaded lenders to buy subprime mortgages. A poor enthronement which was made worse by the fact that charges to subprime borrower were at a full(p renominal)er(prenominal) interest rate increase the risk of exposure of default, for lenders it didnt matter the worth of the investment just as long as they could tell on to the secondary mortgage market. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac packaged mortgages to sell the securities unaccompanied based on mortgage payments from the mortgages accumulated, creating securities based on the initial offshoot/last claims of mortgage payments.These companies showed a small profit margin using securitisation but were soon to lose after paying over the odds on subprime mortgages and not enough on the default insurance they depictd. 4. The resell of a mortgage to a secondary market is commonly cognize as a mortgage backed security which is often bought by a manipulate fund, which then takes out parts of the MBS from the 2nd or 3rd years of the interest only loans, this creates a greater risk but provides a high interest payment, using CDOs with other MBS to then resell to other hedge funds thi s is known as tranche, bankable until housing prices decline or interest rates restart, making mortgages default.Mortgages provide substantial value for derivatives, if the substantial value is classed as corporal debt, credit card debt or auto loans the derivative known as CDO, a payment that is due within a year, for instance insurance it squeeze out then be known as a CDS, a change market to value, unregulated by the SEC means that a wishing of rules and oversights were unable to encourage trust and when bankruptcy occurs results in fear amongst the hedge funds and the banking system. Credit Rating Agencies Credit military rank agencies share a fair amount of blame for the pecuniary crisis, very little regulations regarding military rating methods and lack corporate governance. The past 2 years changes in the rating system of structured redit has heavy(a) everto a greater extent unstable and has created a lack of confidence toward the future stability of credit ratings. C RAs lowered credit risk by applying AAA ratings to tranches like that of CDOs, giving the same ratings to government and corporate bonds creating lower returns, poor rating assessments underestimated credit default risks of subprime mortgages, providing unreliable selective information relating to the subprime market and underestimated relations in the defaults that would occur in a downswing, and with more securitisation meant greater portions of credit assets were held by investors assured by credit ratings, increasing the effects of forced selling by corporations using standard investment rules based on ratings.5. Hedge Funds. The hedge fund industry has grown over the past 2 years, fueled by the demand of higher returns from stock market declines and mounting pension fund liabilities, these inflows have had a positive effect on hedge fund returns and risks in late years, this has been evident in the changes in reduced performance, increased illiquidity, hedge funds were designe d by wealthy investors to work anonymously. At times of financial uncertainty rates on low credit illiquid investments, demand for high credit liquid investments, accompanied by the increase in credit spreads lead to greater margin calls and the relaxing of illiquid positions which generate further losses concluding the hedge fund collapse, these funds relied to a great extent on leverage and used to buy mortgages, as soon as loans were to default, 9investors left and were set about with abrupt liquidation.Credit spread is the strongest to affect hedge funds and during the crisis they were left with allude to emerging markets and convertible bond arbitrage. Hedge funds have been constituted by the instability of the current financial market, bans on short selling, downturn on asset values in markets, the decline to take risks through banks and investors, The banking system is also affected through hedge fund risk from proprietary trading activities, credit arrangements, structur ed products and prime brokerage services. 6. The government played a part in the crisis in a keep down of ways, Interest rates were kept below guidelines globally prior to 2007 the unregulated structure of how mortgages were packaged and low risk assessment lead to the ise of crime syndicate prices and the involvement towards the persuasion to buy MBS with Fannie Mae and similar companies which lead to their bankruptcy. 7 cod to the unpredictable downturn of the situation in late 2007 with complex financial products, a lack of equilibrium in credit ratings, bans and the premature sell out of investors in hedge funds, has created a domino effect in the financial market and resulted in the governments mishap to identify the real issues in the collapse, polices associated with liquidity were put send on to only create matters worse, and finally realising the failure of the subprime mortgage market the Troubled Asset Relief Program was brought forward to no effect.The unregulated b anking system created instability and was inevitable for the bailouts of banks and failing companies. The government had very little influence toward the preventions of the crisis and that in turn made them heavily responsible for each factor described above, the lack of regulation and constraints to which resulted in massive cash bailouts with no conditions, this worked as an incentive for the banks to continue as they were, this is evident in the continuation of bonuses despite substantial losses with banks the governments humanity with bailouts allowed companies like Goldman Sachs to put $2. 6 billion aside for bonuses from a $13 billion bailout.
Analysis of Charles Dickensââ¬Ã¢¢ â⬠Sketches by Boz Essay
The Streets-Morning by Charles Dickens is an put forward taken from Sketches by Boz. It is a descriptive piece and follows prominent features of the literary sketch technique, as it contains no prominent plot. The vocalizer narrates the appearance presented by the bridle-paths of London an hour before sunrise on a passs morning.The recite is in the first person narrative. This feature adds forte and supports the utilize of distributor points. First person narrative is generally considered unreliable delinquent to lack of witnesses and external verification however, the detached and objective narration by the vocaliser prompts readers to think otherwisewise now and so a dapper looking cat runs stealthilybounding first on the water-butt then on the dust hole The sentence structures utilise support the work of detail and im seasonry. The speaker uses complex-compound sentences that argon long with two or more sub-clauses. The use of these help create the atmosphere and heavy early morning recreation There is an air of cold, solitary desolation abtaboo the noiseless roads which we be accustomed to see thronged at other times by a busy, eager crowd, and over the quiet, closely shut buildingsThrough this narrative, readers argon made aware of the close attention to detail the speaker employs. The bodily fluid of the extract is established through the sentence structure and setting. A relaxed and substantially detached perspective is evident. In many ways it is similar to the morning itself, gently unfolding as the darkness fades.The narrative time and circumstance is established through the subjects retraced in the setting. Coach-stands lying desert in the larger thoroughfares remind readers of the 19th century. This is supported by the fact that they are described as coach stands and not bus stands.Imagery plays an natural role in a literary sketch and is seen widely in this extract. The speaker uses concrete and abstract imagery. The use o f parables l sacks a sense of what the speaker is feeling or trying to describe to the reader. much(prenominal) metaphors are The days are swarming with support and bustle the reference to honeybees shows a restlessness which was too use by John Keats in Ode to Autumn And still more, subsequent flowers for the bees, Until they think warm days will never cease. The bee metaphor is used to show legal perform that contrasts with the early morning street. The second metaphor is motionlessness of death is over the streets, perhaps the most foreboding of lines in the extract, this metaphor could serve as a possible foreshadowing for impending events.The street itself breaks an important motif. It represents a path that leads somewhere, however, readers could question whether this could be leading to activity or stagnation. This theory is supported with the images of the drunken, the dissipated, and the wretched. The policeman similarly, is also preoccupied with his deserted pr ospect.The description of the street is similarly presented in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named thirstThe houses mostly white frame, weathered grey with rickety outside stairs and galleries and quaintly ornamented gables to the entrances of both. It is the first dark of an evening in early May.The houses become symbols of who their inhabitants are in the extract. They give readers insights to where they live, how they live and who they are. The quiet, closely-shut buildings are perhaps the except privacy the residents have. The speaker brings in social background through this description and the tone shifts to one of fragmentation and futility with the description of The last houseless vagrant whom mendicancy and police have left in the streets, has coiled up his chilli limbs in some paved corner, to dream of food and warmth.The social setting and strata becomes ironic when the last drunken man is home before sunlight, maculation the orderly part of the population are s till asleep. The opening lines of T.S. Eliots Preludes also refers to an early morning scene similar to the one in the extract, using personification The morning comes to consciousnessOf faint stale smells of beerFrom the sawdust-trampled streetWith all its muddy feet that pressTo early coffee-stands.Human qualities are minded(p) to the cat who is rakish looking. The parting of whose develops as the speaker gives him gender and infers that his character depended on his gallantry. The use of personification adds further detail to the narrative with A partially opened bedroom-windowpane here and there, bespeaks the heat of the weather, and the uneasy slumbers of its occupant.The extract uses wording in distinct and deliberate ways to shape meaning. The vocabulary used helps infer that the speaker is mature this is seen with use of words such(prenominal) as penury, profligate and dissipated. A sentence of importance in shaping such meaning is The drunken, the dissipated and the wr etched have disappeared.The trochaic features at the end of each word, helps to reveal the distant and condescending manner in which the speaker is viewing these people. The order in which these words are presented form a climatic effect. Also seen is the use of the adverb then in describing the cats actions, which gives dramatic effect Bounding first on the water-butt, then on the dust-hole, and then alighting on the flag-stones.The use of inversion by the speaker helps readers to concentrate on certain parts of the narrative. This is done in deliberation to gain readers attention, especially in An occasional policeman may alone be seen at the street corners, as opposed to the conventional may be seen alone. Such emphasis is also used in cold, solitary desolation. The speaker employs onomatopoeia to describe a drunken mans inebriation with roaring out the burden of the drinking song of the previous night.The speaker has a note tone of detached indifference. This mood could be d ue to the futility of the modern age and monotony of these peoples lives in the eyes of a keen observer. The historical, social context comes back to the forefront and the void between the country and the urban life is seen. This effect of the 19th century and industrial revolution is addressed in The few whose unfortunate pursuits of pleasure, or scarcely less unfortunate pursuits of byplay cause them to be less acquainted with the scene.Grammar and punctuation support meaning. The use of dashes shows a flow of thought or in the case of describing the cat, shows action and continuity. The use of the color grey in the somber light of break of the day supports the mood and futile atmosphere, seen also in O Henrys Gift of the Magi Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. She stood by the window and looked out dully at a gray cat walking a gray fence in a gray backyard.The extract concludes with a reference to the figures in the early morning streets as exceptions other than which the streets presents no signs of life, nor the houses of habitation.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Lascelles Chin ââ¬Ã‚¦. the Journey of a Jamaican Entrepreneur
Lascelles elevate is founder, chair universe and Chief executive officer of the Lasco group of Companies in Jamaica. The Lasco group is make up of Lasco Distributors, Lasco Foods Successors Ltd, Lasco Foods Ltd, Lasco Barbados Ltd, Lasco Financial Services restrain and Lasco Remittance Services. The background of overlaps and services case withed by the companies is diverse. Lasco Foods Successors Ltd is responsible for the manufacturing and exporting of soybean plantbean plant based products while Lasco Foods Ltd is responsible for the incase of milk powders.Lasco Distributors Ltd is responsible for the topical anaesthetic dispersal of the ever expanding unravel of consumer and pharmaceutical products that has made Lasco a family unit name in Jamaica. These companies latestly run by Lascelles bring up label the present milestone on an entrepreneurial travel by Lascelles mentum that has stretched for more than forty years, Mr. mentum intends to continue this quest for a nonher forty years and beyond. His entrepreneurial journey started in 1961. correspond to Mr. Chin, he started backup with ?175 and was at a great disadvantage as more prominent families were dominating the commercial landscape in Jamaica at the time. He persevered, did his research and learnt as carry ons as he could about manufacturing and statistical dissemination practices, importation and respective(a) related fields. His policy was to deal honestly with his customers, sue very cloggy and most importantly, avoid spending more than he earned, (Observer 2009). correspondly this helped him to achieve success.He also realized quite aboriginal in life that the only style to maintain success as a ancestry entrepreneur was by honing his skills, hard naturalize, determination, perseverance, clarity of stack and the ability to see obstacles as challenges, (Observer 2009). After graduating from high school in the 1950s Lascelles Chin worked as a lab technician for a mulct period in the beginning pickings up a job as a salesman. He did well, and focused on saving portions of his earnings which he later used to start issue Trading fraternity.This principle of non spending more than you earn or saving as much as you can from your earnings would set the stage for his learning as an entrepreneur. With this business he sold peas and powdered pepper on a commission basis. He later became a distributor of Henkel products upon recommendation from a visiting representative. The business did well by targeting piece of furniture manufacturers with the Pattex brand of adhesive. Later, during the 1970s, when gaudiness were leaving Jamaica in droves, Mr. Chin decided to stay and expand his store and factory. Here Mr.Chin demonstrates the strength and resolution to move against the course and stick foundations for the future when others were packing up and calling it quits. With time the business go from Orange Street, downtown Kingston to East Stre et and then to its current location on Red Hills Road, (Gleaner 2006). He later went on serve other lines of business, Kingston Heirlooms, manufacturing and exporting furniture, Datrex Limited, computer supplies and parts, Triple A gondola car Rental, Zenith Insurance Brokers, Soft Sheen and Exotic Farms Limited to name a few, (Gleaner 2006).It was however the LASCO branded businesses LASCO Foods Limited and LASCO Distributors Limited operated by Mr. Chin from the 1980s which made him and his businesses household names within Jamaica. The motivation behind his businesses.. the unrealised needs identified A journey which started with a man interchange peas and powered seasoning on a commission basis had straight off developed into a number of businesses driven by the same man fuel guide with a passion to deliver the surpass value for money to its customers.According to the companys website, Lascelles Chin founded LASCO in 1988 its initial operation include the importation of bulk skimmed milk powder and repackaging of sachets for distribution within the Jamaican market. Chins intention was to provide a extension of milk protein which was affordable for all. Since then Lascelles Chin business has deformn from packaging and distributing skim milk to the corporate entity it is today providing a wide range of pharmaceutical, food, household and personal care products to Jamaica the Caribbean, Latin America, North America and England, (LASCO website, 2010).Lascelles Chin apparently influenced by his daily and close interaction with the grass determine people on the streets of Kingston during his earlier days as a Salesman, having seen their need for an improved nutritional intake sought to source and deliver products at prices which could be afforded by all. By doing so he has made valuable contribution to the development of the Jamaican confederation and its labour effectiveness with his delivery of nutrition or nutritious products within the reach of the little and needy.His drive in this area has lead to the starting of a number of soy based protein products again with an emphasis on nutritious value and affordability. procurement of resources Lascelles Chin was able to start his first business, subject field Trading Company with a few pounds, an accumulation of his savings from his job as a lab technician and sales person. Along the way his business grew due to his incidentally and astute business decisions which included ventures some of which were risky at the time. somewhat of those businesses gravel fai conduct due to changes in the Jamaican landscape, for instance Kingston Heirlooms, his furniture business which was a good earner of valuable immaterial shift at the time suffered from changes in disposal policies which made conditions difficult for manufacturers. In order to deliver affordable products LASCO has gone to great lengths to source fresh materials, consumer and pharmaceutical goods from cost effective sources. LASCO has organise allegiance with major world-wide manufacturers. peerless of those searches led LASCO to Solae Incorporated, a subsidy of the DuPont Group.With their help LASCO was able to pioneer its current and growing range of soy protein isolate products, facilitating the delivery of super tasty, nutritious products at an incredible utter price to consumers across the Caribbean, (LASCO website, 2010). According to LASCOs website, the popularity of their soy based product has made LASCO the Number One customer in the world for soy protein isolate from Solae Incorporated. Additionally, the American soybean association has hailed the LASCO Food Drink line as the tastiest soy product in the world. Bolstered by this success, LASCO continues its global search for the most affordable, outstrip quality products and stool branded corned beef from Argentina, mackerel from Chile, ketchup from the easterly Caribbean, and vitamins from an outstanding US provider, whole m ilk from Ireland, and Corn Flakes from Germany (LASCO website, 2010).LASCO Distributors has also formed an important strategic alliance with Johnson & Johnson (Jamaica) Limited on April 2, 2001. As a result of that arrangement, LASCO Distributors handles the distribution of all Johnson & Johnson products while LASCO pharmaceutic Division is esponsible for Lifescan, Contact Lens, and Pharmacy sales. (LASCO website, 2010) According to an interview conducted by Gleaner life style Editor, Barbara Ellington with Lascelles Chin in 2006 and published in May 2006, a lot of effort is placed in sourcing by the LASCO group. Approximately 50% is purchased locally, 15% within the CARICOM countries and the rest from international firms. According to Mr. Chin in that interview, part of his strategy lies in the fact that he sources well and is not stingy for huge profit margins, this strategy facilitates giving the customers value for money, considering the poorest in the society at all tim es.He effectively reaps the benefits of the thus fartual sales volume by keeping his prices one tenth, one fifth or even half of others, (Gleaner, 2006). Lascelles Chin takes pride in the LASCO team who support and execute the corporate strategy on a daily basis in their respective roles. According to the Gleaner Article, May 2006, he indicated that his team is a hard working and dedicated one which operates like a family they are set well and are leave behinding to go beyond the call of duty. He believes he has some of the best workers in Jamaica. Challenges approach and overcomeThe challenges faced by Lascelles Chin during his entrepreneurial journey have been as alter as each of the over forty years since he started National Trading Company. He has faced numerous challenges with financing, security cost, government regulations, ever-changing technology, and the ever changing Jamaican economic landscape to name a few. According to Mr. Chin in his interview with Barbara Elling ton, In the early days, he wanted a line of credit of ?1,000, and the banks would not give it to him. They notion he was crazy, he eventually got it from Scotia bank.His problems with pilferage downtown forced a movement of his earlier operations from East Street to Red Hills Road. straightaway his operations on Red Hills Road and those at his expansive distribution plant at White Marl Central Village, due to their location in two troubled communities have created high security cost. The LASCO team in a bid to mitigate this cost at these locations takes steps to work with the communities, establish good relationships and avoid going home late. face with the high manufacturing cost of the 1990s Lascelles.Chin was forced to shut down and move over the losses associated with his furniture and data processing companies. Mr. Chin has however graciously accepted the philosophy that failure in a business is an prospect to learn. In his bid to He has fought and loss battles with the gov ernment pertaining to government regulations geared towards protecting the local milk industry by its falsehood of tax levies on powdered milk. LASCO imports a lot of its raw materials and ideal products, this creates a demand for foreign currency to service those foreign accounts.In a bid to lessen this strenuous demand compounded by the ever depreciating Jamaican dollar LASCO has leverage its business with the inclusion body of LASCO Financial services, a licensed cambio and LASCO Remittance Services a property Gram representative in Jamaica. These two businesses along with LASCO Successors, which manufactures and exports soy-based, products helps to generate the foreign exchange needed by the LASCO Group. Financial Performance and Customers Perception of the business To date LASCO has been doing well.Lead by its founders philosophy of giving back from the profits made, the corporation has made numerous and continuous sponsorships and contributions to confused areas of nation building, The National Policeman, Nurse, Teacher and Principal and pharmacist of the Year Awards, are just a few of the many much(prenominal) programmes that LASCO has been associated with over the years. It contributes to various school feeding programmes, school related competitions, it makes donations to various government programmes, mothers and various charities. In return LASCO has gain customer faithfulness which keeps the wheels of their business turning.The LASCO brand is currently a household name, synonymous with the training of healthy nutritious and affordable products and services. According to its website, LASCO is renowned for its quality beverages, cereals, put up meats and sauces, personal care items, household products and pharmaceuticals. The company has pioneered a range of products, which utilizes soy protein and delivers to the consumer a highly nutritious product at an incredible low price. Future Outlook In the earlier operations of his business, Lasce lles Chin was supported by is then wife Audrey Chin and other family members at different points along the journey. Today, his eldest daughter holds a senior power in one of the divisions. The LASCO business is a going concern and will remain that way whilst it continues to offer and deliver the kind of products and services that has led to its significant growth over the last two decades. The core business has grown from offering three products to over an hundred items. Its consumer and pharmaceutical lines continues to grow with the addition of a range of products each year. The LASCO brand now includes the LASURE, LASCARE and LASMED range of products.Its focus is still on the provision of best quality for the consumers money. Steps have been taken to expand their warehouse and distribution plant in White Marl. They have also invested heavily in a new information technology system. Their distribution network continues to overspread across the Caribbean, Latin and Central America , The UK and Canada. Though it is dogged by changeless competition from major players in the respective markets, LASCO continues to carve out a niche for itself by being the low cost, and value for money supplier of consumer and pharmaceutical products within Jamaica.Conclusion and Opinion of the entrepreneurs journey Lascelles Chin journey has been one that strongly demonstrates the power of determination combine with consistent effort in spite of adverse circumstances. Though he has won numerous awards and worn various civic hats including, The Order of Jamaica, The 2001 patronage Leader of the Year, The 1997 Entrepreneur of the Year Award from the Jamaica Institute of Management, The President of the Jamaica Exporters Association and is considered to be one of Jamaicas leading philanthropists, he remains sphacelate in his quest to make Living Affordable for the Jamaican people.He is an inspiration to all he has in no uncertain way demonstrated that much can be gained, even wi th a petite start. His entrepreneurial prowess were not garnered in academia, but were nurtured nonetheless by a quest to understand the business landscape and environment ensuring that he understood clearly what he was shaping and the factors that would ensure a made execution of those ventures.He was unsuccessful in some of his ventures but was not deter from his quest to make a valiant contribution to the development of Jamaica. If I were to have taken the journey taken by Lascelles Chin, before I understood his process and his strategy for success, I plausibly would have stopped from the 1970s and become a part of the massive tide of migrants leaving the island for a better opportunity elsewhere.I believe I have a bit of persistence and perseverance but probably would have been deterred from pursuing ventures geared towards improving the quality of life of the Jamaican society by the negative elements within the same society who would have pilfered by business place. The chal lenges presented by the lack of effort from the different governments to economize manufacturing or keep the exchange rate stable or rehearse the measures needed to curb crime and criminality would have probably led to my locking shop and leaving Jamaica.However, based on the lessons learnt from the journey of Lascelles Chin who started out with his savings, made prudent decisions, braved the economic times and conditions, focused on his goal of improving the quality of life of the poor and needy, through various economic, governmental and technological and social changes, I would take up the spread of entrepreneurship, having the understanding that success can be achieved, through perseverance, determination, clarity of vision, whilst taking one step at a time, spending less than I earn and treating each failure challenge or obstacle as an opportunity to advance.ReferencesEllington Barbara May 22, 2006, The Monday converse Lascelles Chin fault Domination at its Best. Retrieve d on June 17, 2010 from http//www. jamaica- gleaner. com/gleaner/20060522/business/business1. hypertext mark-up language Ellington Barbara May 22, 2006, The Monday Interview Lascelles Chin Brand Domination at its Best. Retrieved on June 17, 2010 from http//www. jamaica- gleaner. com/gleaner/20060522/business/business1. hypertext mark-up language Ellington Barbara May 22, 2006, The Monday Interview Lascelles Chin Brand Domination at its Best.Retrieved on June 17, 2010 from http//www. jamaica- gleaner. com/gleaner/20060522/business/business1. html Ellington Barbara May 22, 2006, The Monday Interview Lascelles Chin Brand Domination at its Best. Retrieved on June 17, 2010 from http//www. jamaica- gleaner. com/gleaner/20060522/business/business1. html Kumar, S (June 2003), Transformation A Journey. Retrieved on April 26, 2010 from http//www. caibinc. org/files_custom/3176_2350. df National Commercial Bank Annual Report 2009, Retrieved on May 04, 2010 from http//www. jncb. com/docs/N CB_Annual_Report_2009. pdf http//zenithbrokers. com/about_us. html https//www. jamaicaobserver. com/news/161017_Question-Time Ellington Barbara, The Monday Interview Lascelles Chin Brand domination at its best http//www. jamaica-gleaner. com/gleaner/20060522/business/business1. html http//www. lascojamaica. com/site/company-profile. htm
Monday, January 21, 2019
ââ¬Ã…No damn cat, and no damn cradleââ¬Ã‚: Truth and Meaning in Catââ¬Ã¢¢s Cradle Essay
In Kurt Vonneguts apocalyptic novel, Cats Cradle, the final stage of the earthly concern has been trustworthyized. Plant harboring crunches underfoot, as though it has underg one and only(a) a bass freeze. The tropical seas surrounding the fictional is lay of San Lorenzo have solidified, assuming a dull, frost appearance. Grand waterf in alls flowing from the majestic peak of Mount McCabe become lifeless(prenominal). The once-scenic island celestial horizon is transformed into a pale, sickly yellow. The introduction of ice-nine into the environment leads to radical put up patterns and global chaos. Ice-nine is a crystal form of water, a good deal like timeworn ice, but with a melting point of 114.4 degrees Fahrenheit. When the compound makes contact with water, the still instantly freezes solid, turning a frosted blue. The novel begins with a legal brief but telling pre display case Live by the foma* that make you survive and kind and happy and healthy (Vonnegut VII). Fom a ar defined as benignant un impartialitys (Vonnegut VII). slice this brisk preface may me curse seem to be a comical play on the standard disclaimer implant within most fictional novels and therefore back up little signifi give nonicece, it sheds advanced smart light on the murky relationships between truth and signification, as easily as science and trust. Each train of thought has its own delegacy of determineing and explaining the jumbled universe hu universes inhabit, and each claims to possess a high degree of truth. It is in this vivid and terrifying landscape that Vonnegut conveys to the commentator through humor and symbolism that pursuing truth, whether through worship, science, or separate pathways, is not an inherently positive or beneficial and does not assistance one in the search for meaning in life.For hundreds of years, science and religion have been at odds. From the execution of the Greek philosopher Socrates to the Renaissance in instalmentic nu mber 63 to modern times, the devil opposing forces have always had an abrasive relationship. The bloodline of the Enlightenment movement in Europe in the early seventeenth century marked a turn toward science, knowledge, and reasoning. It is from this era that modern nine derives the notion that truth, a longsighted with the quest for it, is intrinsically constructive for hu macrocosmity, on with the touch that lies are detrimental to the cause. In Cats Cradle, this is shown not to be the case. At the General Forge and Foundry, scientists and researchers survive tirelessly to increase knowledge, to work toward no end but that (Vonnegut 41). It is here that Felix Hoenikker, the father of the atom go and of ice-nine and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (a prime example of Vonneguts earmark humor), spends the final twenty-eight years of his life toiling away in the confines of his lab. Felix is a very childlike character, incapable of caring for himself and try with inter personal interactions. chase the death of his wife Emily enchantment in get with Newt, his daughter Angela assumes the maternal position of the disjointed household due to Felixs childlike nature. She forgoes any(prenominal) social interaction with peers in order to hold the family together. Frank Hoenikker, the middle child, follows suit, becoming an antisocial figure in the book. He becomes known as individual(a) agent X-9 on account of his unending business-like demeanor. Felix neglects his parental duties, opting instead to spend time on research and scientific pursuits. John Tomedi views the scientist symbolically Hoenikker serves as a symbol of scientific irresponsibility, a man so withdrawn from humanity and so focused on childish play with nature that he has no perspective on the effects of his creations and a total apathy for theirs uses (Tomedi 41).As a subscribe to result of Felixs actions, his children suffer from the neediness of true parental figures. The Hoenik ker children can be considered casualties of science and truth. It is at the General Forge and Foundry that two major scientific advancements are made the nuclear conk out and ice-nine. While both represent cutting-edge scientific knowledge, the culmination of countless hours of research and development, neither invention represents the progression of humanity. As Vonnegut himself says, Its a law of nature of life that if you turn up something that can be used violently, it provide be used violently (Allen 97). The atom bomb leads to the death of tens of thousands in the events at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, while ice-nine leads to the destruction of the entire world. The destructive nature of ice-nine and the atom bomb, inventions that were fostered by science, is in direct contradiction to the concept that science and knowledge benefit humankind due purely to their foundation in truth.Following the ice-nine catastrophe, John, the narrator and protagonist, finds himself in an underg round fall appear shelter with another resident physician of the island. John offers to share with her angiotensin-converting enzyme of the secrets of life man was a long time saying Animals breathe in what animals breathe out, and vice versa (Vonnegut 268). virtuoso with basic knowledge of science would immediately notice an error in the writing. The text should read something to the effect of animals breathe in what plants breathe out. This inconsequential error proves Vonneguts point the truth is irrelevant. The misinformation changes nought. This factoid proves useless, not due to its mendacious nature, but rather to its real world application, or lack thereof. wholeness Another parallel dumbfound occurs at the bar in the townspeople of Ilium. While John is enjoying a drink, he poses a question What is the secret of life? I asked. I get upt, verbalise Sandra. Protein, the bartender declared. They found out something about protein (Vonnegut 25). Again, this piece of information has little relevance in the real world. It is not loss to improve humanity or save ones life. It is merely a fact to satisfy ones curiosity. Vonnegut also uses humor to prove his point How can anybody in his right mind be against science? asked Crosby. Id be deathly right now if it wasnt for penicillin, said Hazel. And so would my receive. How old is your mother? I inquired. A hundred and six. Isnt that wonderful? (Vonnegut 234). The use of the news program wonderful is questionable. A long life does not equate to a quality one. Science, being founded on truth and knowledge, does not benefit humanity. On the tropical island of San Lorenzo, the denizens of the country would be faced with the depressing truth if it were not for the deliberate lies of Bokononism. In 1922, two friends, Lionel Boyd Johnson and Earl McCabe, shipwreck on the island shortly aft(prenominal) setting sail.The state of the nation is so poor, no one plan of attacks to foresee the foreigners f rom taking power. Initially, the duo re pick outs to a form of communism. They amass the entire wealth of the nation and divide it equally among its many residents. Each islanders share amounts to approximately six dollars. Realizing the futility of their efforts to advance the island economically, they turn to another source religion. Johnson devises his own religion, which becomes known as Bokononism. To add some zest to the monotonous life on the island, the partners develop roles to fulfill in a sort of play. Johnson becomes known as Bokonon, while McCabe becomes a violent dictator whose furbish up mission is to capture and kill Bokonon. This drama contributes greatly to the popularity of the religion, thus benefitting the island population. The islanders are subject to substandard living conditions poverty, pestilence, and famine are prevalent. The island lacks the necessary resources to develop. They face a bleak and hopeless future. Rather than facing the reality of d ay-by-day life, they adopt the make religion of Bokononism when it became evident that no government or economic reform was going to make the people much less condemnable, the religion became the one real instrument of hope. Truth was the enemy of the people, because the truth was so terrible, so Bokonon made it his business to provide the people with cave in and better lies. (Vonnegut 172)Following a similar form to the beginning of the authentic novel, the Books of Bokonon, the religions equivalence to the Bible, warns the reader Dont be a fool Close this book at once It is nothing but foma (Vonnegut 265). This line establishes the illegitimate nature of the Books of Bokonon, and, subsequently, the religion of Bokononism in its entirety. The lack of truth is beneficial because When people believe that they have the Truth, they seek to chatter their beliefs on others, and religious wars are the inevitable result. The highest truth in Bokonons religion is that all unearthly tr uths are actually useful fictions, creations of the caprice that do not exist outside of the human mind. The meaning of life is not something we can discover in the outside world. We mustiness take a leak it for ourselves (Marvin 89). The religion is openly founded on falsehoods. In spite of this, the residents of San Lorenzo experience a real, tangible benefit. The stark reality of life on the unacquainted(p) island is in any case much to bear therefore, Bokonon feeds the residents compounding lies. Bokononism proves more beneficial to the residents of San Lorenzo than the alternative science. though at its foundation Bokononism is series of untruths, that fact does not limit the religion in its ability to aid those in need.Vonnegut portrays all religions as unreliable texts despite claims to the contrary. The islands dictatorial president, Papa Monzano, is dying a miserable death from cancer. As his death nears, Papa undergoes his last rites with the aid of a Christian minis ter, who was ready to take care of Papas spiritual needs as they arose. He had a brass dinner doorbell and a hatbox with holes drilled in it, and a Bible, and a butcher knife- all laid out on the bench beside him. He told me there was a live chicken in the hatbox. The chicken was quiet, he said, because he had federal official it tranquilizers He turned out to be an intelligent man. His doctorate, which he invited me to examine, was awarded by the Western Hemisphere University of the Bible of Little Rock, Arkansas He had said that he had had to feel his way along with Christianity, since Catholicism and Protestantism had been outlawed along with Bokononism. So, if I am to be a Christian under those conditions, I have to make up a lot of new stuff. (Vonnegut 214) oftentimes like Bokonon, the Christian minister fabricates new aspects of the religion to suit his needs.  Daniel Minguez offers a thorough inspection This examination implies that one may rely upon an closed circ uit of Christianity with the same confidence of its truth as one may rely upon their own guesswork at the workings of the universe It shows that Christianity is just as effective without the accepted dogma of the Catholic or Protestant church service and renders the text as inconsequential to the enactment of Christianity itself (Minguez 9) The Christian minister offers a distorted and absurd version of the religion. He makes additions to the religion with little sham for its supposed sanctity despite having been well educated. By doing so, he strips Christianity, in addition to all religion, of its credibility.Religion and science are used as vehicles to pursue a deeper question regarding humanity what is the purpose of life? The world inhabited by humans is mysterious, unpredictable, and ultimately meaningless. The characters in Cats Cradle are in search of purpose and meaning. In an plan of attack to find such, they supplement religion and science for true understanding. Bokon onism and science progress to to create meaning and purpose for the lives their followers. Bokononists believe that humanity is organized into teams, teams that do gods Will without ever discovering what they are doing. Such a team is called a karass (Vonnegut 2). This is the stated purpose of Bokononism to carry out perfections will. Though Bokononism does not explicitly condemn the attempt to understand God, it merely states that such investigations are bound to be incomplete (Vonnegut 4). One cannot understand or comprehend God I once knew an pontifical lady in Newport, Rhode Island, who asked me to design and build a kennel for her undischarged Dane. The lady claimed to understand God and His Ways of Working perfectly. She could not understand why anyone should be puzzled about what had been or about what was going to be. And yet, when I showed her a blueprint of the doghouse I proposed to build, she said to me, Im sorry, but I never could read one of those things. fra cture it to your husband or your minister to pass it on to God, I said, and, when God finds a minute, Im sure hell explain this doghouse of mine in a way that even you could understand. She fired me. I shall never forget her. She believed that God liked people in sailboats much better than He liked people in motorboats. She could not bear to look at a worm. When she saw a worm, she screamed. She was a fool, and so am I, and so is anyone who thinks he sees what God is Doing. (Vonnegut 4) This does little to satisfy mans natural liking to know and understand his environment because any invented sense-making system is continually disproved by mans immediate experience of the world, and the arbitrariness of events perpetually defeats any system of alleged causalities (Bloom 91). Man must learn to accept such a situation Tiger got to hunt, shucks got to flyMan got to sit and wonder, Why, why, why?Tiger got to sleep,Bird got to landMan got to tell himself he understand. (Vonnegut 182)In mans attempt to create meaning, he may weave fiction to appease his desire for purpose, though such systems are deemed invalid. It is mans responsibility to forge purpose and meaning for ones existence. Vonneguts writings in Cats Cradle show that truth is not innately positive, and that lies are the opposite. Science, sharing an intimate relation to truth and knowledge, is the source of earthshaking regression and damage to humanity in the form of the nuclear bomb and ice-nine. The atom bomb produces suffering, death, and environmental damage on an unprecedented scale, while ice-nine utterly annihilates all life on the planet. On the other hand, the fabricated religion of Bokononism, while founded on falsehoods, brings hope to the otherwise hopeless. It creates a hide out to mask the otherwise unavoidable reality of life on the barren island of San Lorenzo. Bokononism and science are used by their followers to create meaning and purpose in their lives. This leads to the final conc lusion that it is ultimately up to man to create meaning for an otherwise meaningless existence.Works CitedAllen, William R., ed. Conversations with Kurt Vonnegut. Jackson University of Mississippi, 2001. Print. Bloom, Harold, ed. advanced Critical Interpretations Kurt Vonneguts Cats Cradle. Broomall Haights Cross Communications, 2002. Print. Marvin, Thomas F. Kurt Vonnegut A Critical Companion. Westport Greenwood, 2002. Print. Minguez, Daniel. Cats Cradle The Apocalypse of Human Thought. OxyScholar. occidental College, 1 Apr. 2009. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. Tomedi, John. Great Writers Kurt Vonnegut. Philadelphia Chelsea House, 2004. Print.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: A History Essay
In studying the early storey of relations betwixt the key pot of the country that is now cal take Canada, and the European newcomers from first turn over to present day, it appears that more(prenominal) of the truth from the past is being revealed even now. fundamental philosophy and technology was vastly different and considered primitive to most newcomers save also was seen as brilliant to those newcomers that were able to understand and learn most of the ancient traditions.It would not be fair to assume that marginalization of the native was increased only as a direct result of technology, as each culture has its own technology not necessarily weaken or worse than the other. In early times the Europeans were at the mercifulness of the Aboriginals for their actually survival as they were not give out to survive in this part of North America because of the difficult geographics and climate.In Dickasons playscript Canadas First Nations A level of Founding Peoples from Earliest Times she makes reference to how, Anthropologist Robin Rodington has made the quest that their technology consisted of knowledge rather than tools (Dickason, pg. 40). It was soon seen that the primal technologies including survival, sh ared wealth, spirituality, navigating the wilderness, hunting, trapping, song, dance, stories and methods of warfare were all proficient to the new colonial pioneers.See more My composing Process EssayThe Europeans also brought greed, firearms, firewater, reading, religion and writing (books), some of which were beneficial to the ancient entirely not necessary as they had done very well without them for a long time. Dickason then goes on to explain that Amerindians had been able to survive as well as they did with a comparatively simplistic tool kit (Dickason. Pg. 40) This simple tool kit was used along with complex knowledge to enable pre-contact aboriginal people to thrive in Northern North America.The early Europeans quickly reali sticized that Aboriginals skills would be needful in order for them to survive in such an environment, but they did not yet understand that these Aboriginal people were not to be slow conquered. The Canadian Aboriginal peoples military strength was a lot underestimated and misunderstood. As the aboriginal people eventually became a minority in their own tear and their technology was seen as lacking any real apprise they were seen as being in the way of progress. In his book Sweet Promises J. R.Miller explains in the introduction how one historian has referred to as the onset of irrelevance. Relations pitchd drastically as the aboriginal people were no longer needed for military support as stillness was on the horizon after the war of 1812. Increased immigration linked with death, disease and a lack of a way to provide for themselves led to the aboriginal people becoming even more of a minority. As marginalization hastened resulting in the aboriginal people having few choices left as they had constitute institutionalized by the governing that was clearly not trying to help them at this point.All they could do was survive and try and shit on to what they had known before the Europeans had arrived not to mention their self-respect. Looking at this part of the World at this time which is considered a time of peace of mind after The War of 1812. With the technological revolution under way which would change every culture on the planet, including the Canadian aboriginal way of life. The government with an increasing amount of immigrants and only so much good land to go around would create the reserve and the residential school to people with the aboriginal.It was a piece at a time attend but eventually it would contribute to their further marginalization and demise as a people. The government of its day just wanted what was best for its people of which the aboriginal were not. They were acting as if they were doing something good for the aboriginal pe ople but facts are facts. The Steam engine, the automobile and soon another War would affect the aboriginal way of life both negatively and positively as well. It wouldnt be until after the Second World War that the Canadian Aboriginal would begin to have any relevance as it would seem as the same as the reasons in the past.As J. R. miller points out in Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens that the relationship between the indigenous peoples and non- natives has been shaped by practical, often economic, factors. (Miller pg. 402-3). The recent Idle No More protest faeces is proof that the Canadian aboriginal people are going to become more relevant in Canadas future. Looking at the account statement of Canada with a better understanding from both the aboriginal side and the European side it is clear to see the past.In history this same process has occurred between different cultures and their technologies. Sometimes as well in history it has been seen that the cultures that survive exclusi on emerge and then their true wisdom and its value is understood by all. More of the cause of the marginalization that has occurred was a jolt of cultures one of greed vs. that of benevolence. I see this happening now more than ever in Canada and the world could learn from the aboriginal knowledge specially how to protect the planet and its inhabitants.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Organ Donations
Michael Aguila Prof. Leblanc SPC 21 October 2012 electric organ Donation affair harmonium Donation General Purpose To educate the class on the immenseness of harmonium gratuitys. Specific Purpose To persuade the class to not let their variety meat go to waste. Thesis Statement Donating your electric variety meat allows a life to be prolonged. It also allows scientific studies to prevent future occurrences or finding a cure for a disease. Organizational Pattern Monroes Motivational Sequence Visual Aids Power- position Presentation. Introduction I.Attention- embark onter (wow factor) The line of work with organ donations is that you do not know how important it is until it happens to family, friends or yourself. The issue is it is not taken seriously, when all it takes is a trip to the DMV. It may be that no one in the room has had a family member that needinessed an organ, still maybe there is. Why does everyone want health insurance? It is to suspensor your chances of choice and of course your pocket ($). Why not present your organs and help exempt a life? It may be you that ineluctably an organ one day A. II. Credibility Statement (why are you able to speak on this topic? I researched several sources on the importance of organ donation. I also encounter a friend that donated his machinate marrow in order to save his sisters life. In my research I also read situations where people provoke died all overdue to not having an organ donor. III. Preview The discussion of organ donation flowerpot seem to be a touchy subject, save the truth is round(prenominal)one in this room may need an organ donation at any moment. What if on your way home today you get in an mishap which is al approximately fatal, but you need a heart transplant to live. In the opposite prospective, you may be brain dead and your organs underside save a child that was born with 1 bad kidney.You open fire save that childs life. Then we also reach organs that are bad, but croup be studied to find a cure or to better understand the reason why the problem may occur. << rebirth The importance of organ donations. >> Body I. briny Point 1 The importance of organ donation. A. Organ donation is important everywhere, but is only possible because people have to be willing to do so. 1. Enough people to populate a excellent city over 100,000 are depending for an organ donation in the get together States. (Mayo Clinic Staff). http//www. mayoclinic. com/health/organ-donation/FL00077 2. The ultimate act of human kindness. (Dr. Moritsugu, previous surgeon general of the get together States) http//www. nytimes. com/2007/08/28/health/28brod. html? _r=0 3. pull the leg ofua Abbott was a lung transplant pass catcher who ch group Aioned the cause of organ and tissue donation. To the legislature, he became the face of all those needing transplants. Josh became an organ transplant recipient at age 29 and an organ donor at age 30. He died in 2006, 11 months subsequently receiving a double lung transplant due to complications from an illness. (N. A. , 2009) http//www. donatelifeflorida. rg/content/joshua_abbott/? selected=5 A. The problems in acquiring organs for donations. 4. Enough people to populate a microscopic city over 100,000 are waiting for an organ donation in the United States. (Mayo Clinic Staff). http//www. mayoclinic. com/health/organ-donation/FL00077 2. The parents of Laurie McLendon, 42, chose to donate when their daughter suffered cardiac arrest at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. Two women accredited her kidneys, a burn unit received skin, her corneas went to an eye bank, and her liver was transplanted into a 61-year-old pediatric oncologist, Dr.Michael Harris of Englewood, N. J. , who had contracted hepatitis C geezerhood earlier while caring for a patient. (N. A. , 2007) 3. People typically wait three to five years for donated organs, and each day 17 of them die. (N. A. , 2007) 4. An estimated car dinal in three Ameri earth-closets have not indicated their wishes about donation. (Dr. Syed) http//www. irfi. org/articles/articles_101_150/organ_donation_problems. htm B. How to donate your organs. 1. You bum let your immediate family know what you want done with your organs or have it written in a will. 2.Every state allows you to register to have your organs donated. Florida you can sign up via your DMV (online or in person) * << Transition Donating your organs can be done while you are living. >> * II. Main Point 2 Donating organs while you are alive. C. How can you donate organs while you are alive? 5. liveness organ donation has become a common source of organs for those in need of organ transplantation, usually a kidney, bone marrow, and sometimes the portion of a liver.Less common is donation of a portion of a lung or menial intestine. on that point are thousands of living donations in the US and around the humanity every year. (2012 International Associati on of Living Organ Donors, Inc). http//www. livingdonorsonline. org/general. htm 6. Donors are a lot a close relative but may also be individuals who are not related but have an established delirious relationship with the recipient such as a partner or close friend. (N. A. , 2012) https//www. organdonation. nhs. uk/ukt/how_to_become_a_donor/questions/answers/answers_5. asp 7.Part of a liver can be transplanted and it may also be possible to donate a segment of a lung and, in a very small number of cases, part of the small bowel. D. What is the find of donating organs while you are still alive? 1. Living donation is major surgery. All complications of major surgery apply. ( 2012 Transplant Living. A service of the United Network for Organ Sharing, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. ) http//www. transplantliving. org/living-donation/being-a-living-donor/risks/ 2. My friend Joshua donated some his bone marrow to his sister who had leukemia and is living today because of his act of kindness.He could have been paralyzed if the procedure had gotten wrong with the anesthesia, but is a low risk procedure. 3. The Liver, Kidney, Lung Pancrease, and Intestinecan cause longterm effect on the luggage compartment. (United Network for Organ Sharing. 2011). http//www. transplantliving. org/living-donation/being-a-living-donor/risks/ << Transition Organ donation can help scientifically. >> III. Main Point 3 Organ donations help scientific studies advance and can prolong life. E. Donating your body and organs to science 8. One out of every 10 Americans is affected by liver disease.Liver disease is one of the top 10 causes of death in the United States. The liver supports almost every organ in the body and is vital for survival. Because of its location and many functions, the liver is prone to many diseases. There are over 100 liver diseases. The liver is necessary for survival currently there is no way for the body to compensate for the absence of a functionin g liver in the long term, although liver dialysis techniques can be used in the short term. The liver does have a great capacity to regenerate and has a large reserve capacity.In most cases, the liver only produces symptoms after extensive damage. (N. A. , 2012) http//www. sciencecare. com/blog 9. Medical schools have an ongoing need of bodies for teaching and research. The need may be in particular urgent at osteopathic and chiropractic schools. (N. A. , 2012) http//www. funerals. org/frequently-asked-questions/69-body-and-organ-donation-a-gift-to-science 10. Your body donation could help students learn to save lives or help researchers understand how different organs function so they can find cures and improve procedures. (N. A. , 2012) http//www. ehow. om/info_8005106_pros-cons-organ-body-donation. html F. Donating your body to science can save your family money. 11. A basic burial averages close to $6,600 in the United States. Many people worry about the financial burden this places on their families. (Freedman 2012) http//www. getrichslowly. org/blog/2012/01/30/how-to-donate-your-body-to-science/ Conclusion I. Review/Summary of Main Points In conclusion, donating your organs can help in many ways. So get out there and make a difference by donating your organs. non only can you save mortals life, but someone may save yours one day. Works CitedWalmsley, Angela. What the United Kingdom faeces Teach the United States About School Uniforms. OmniFile Full schoolbook Mega (H. W. Wilson). Web. 11 Feb. 2012. <http//web. ebscohost. com. ezproxy. fiu. edu/ehost/detail? vid=8& axerophtholhid=11&sid=1c84c40e-aaee-4436-8e66-79f004688a04%40sessionmgr13&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3ddb=ofm&AN=504516050>. Tanner, Julian. Education Canada. Making Schools Safer? The Unintended Consequences of expert Intentions 43. 3 (2009) 12-15. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H. W. Wilson). Web. 12 Feb. 2012. <http//web. ebscohost. com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? id= 86751fef-5b53-47b6-91cf-93ff2ef61aae%40sessionmgr4&vid=1&hid=25>. Starr, Jennifer. Journal of Law & Education. School Violence and Its core group on the Constitutionality of Public School Uniform Policies. 29. 1 (2000) 113-18. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H. W. Wilson). Web. 12 Feb. 2012. <http//web. ebscohost. com/ehost/detail? sid=cf5991f0-05f2-4c8b-90b5-449ec7ce0c0c%40sessionmgr4&vid=1&hid=25&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3ddb=ofm&AN=502321118>. Bartsch and Cheurprakobkit. Educational Research. Security Measures on School Crime in Texas Middle and High Schools 47. 2 (2005)
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Promoting Health Internationally Essay
Developing countries are beset with wellness crises to a greater extent than their much developed counterparts. The lack of resources and the presence of many demanding needs causes the insufficient allocation of such resources for the addressing of health issues. In some other countries, on that point is simply no technology to produce the necessary redresss for the big diseases besetting their populations. Whereas in more(prenominal) than developed countries with greater storehouse of resources there is a greater capacity to address health troubles, particularly with a more developed technological platform to work from. non only this, entirely development countries have a marked decline in addressing sanitation concerns thus making for environments more prone to diseases caused by bacteria, worms, and viruses.1 With more healthy living conditions, this is not the observed case in underdeveloped countries. Thus, a combination of non-hygienic conditions and low acce ss to healthcare creates atmospheres for developing nations making them more prone to experiencing severe health businesss.The first concern regarding health problems in developing countries is the possibility of a disease to develop which is easily transmissible from person to person. The fear of infectious diseases, particularly the fear of such diseases cause a pandemic, has had significant impact on the manner in which the world-wide community addresses worldwide health problems.International agencies have come up with surveillance systems to enable member countries to report incidents of infectious diseases and to better supply non-affected nations against contamination.2 The mechanism of report requires member nations to define the nature and extent of contagious disease of the disease. This is not particularly attractive to infected nations as the reporting of diseases would adversely affect the economy of the s wait on country. With a fear of infection, international investors would cut down their rates of importation. This would serve to lower the economic growth of the said country. Not only this, but tourists would be fearful of visiting said unconnected country and income from such investments would also decline. The stigma against the affected country would read to a decline in the status of their economy.            It is in this regard that health issues of individual nations affect the ball-shaped view on health. The slightest change in the ability of individual countries to provide basic resources or to contribute to the world-wide economy would affect all other countries as a go of global interconnectedness.3 The dependence of nations, one to the other, cannot sustain the devolution of payoff of goods in any one nation. Apart from moral responsibilities, this is the weightiest motive to a global position on health promotion. The global market favors the ensuring of wealthier nation s that little affluent nations provide be able to participate fully in the global trade of goods.            What is not considered in this model are non-infectious diseases plaguing the developing countries around the globe. there is little incentive for global agencies to address such problems since there is no showing that the same would affect citizens of foreign nations. Although the argument for providing aid for the same due to global trade considerations hushed stands, there is little to no initiative from private drug companies. The primary groom of such companies being profit, they are not drawn by the demand for lower prices demand in developing countries.Thus, the trend remains for drug companies to produce drugs and cures that will answer the needs of developed countries whom they can weight higher prices for the products and services they offer. Diseases plaguing impoverished nations such as malaria, AIDS, tuberculos is and the manage are given little attention although they may present greater threats than hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. This is an unfortunate as developed nations should take it upon themselves to fight health in developing nations as well.The international community would receipts to a greater extent with the improvement of all component nations. The nations in the international community should not only consider giving aid to developing nations when the diseases may spread into their own localities but correct so when the diseases may be contained domestically. The interest then should not be for global regulation of domestic plagues but it should be for international interest in holistic global health.            Although drug companies refuse to focus on tell the needs of the major diseases in impoverished nations this is not to say that no organized action is being undertaken for the same. Certainly there are indiv iduals and groups who get by the importance of promoting health on a global scale.The World health Organization, for example has collaborated with large pharmaceutical companies in order to bring drugs for the cure of prevalent diseases into levels of access for developing nations.4 The proposed plan is to decrease drug prices for developing nations, if the free delivery of the same is not probable, by increasing prices in affluent countries. Such a scheme would permit the subsidization of drugs by developed countries. There would thus be an equitable division of required resources in order to gain access of available cures in the market.There has also been an observed trend in scientific laboratories. Scientists capable of acting research investigating cures for diseases of poverty have shown greater inclination for the same. keep may be an issue in the matter however, more and more charities are focusing on the aim of global health and flat domestic governments are supportin g the bid for finding cures for large health issues.Not only this, but movements have been made to have pharmaceutical companies share the process of production if the matter of marketing drugs at a no-profit price is not possible. Local governments or corporations could then work on producing their own drugs using the process and information shared by foreign corporations. These matters are currently being pushed by advocates worldwide.However, the international community still has much ground to cover. The problem of international health is still a major issue receiving small priority in the global scale. The problem of politicking and bureaucracy hinders advances that could be made in this field. Thus, in order to more aptly answer the problem, local policies should first be reshaped and made to suck up the importance of health in the governmental platform. Furthermore, local governments should not pay off themselves to addressing only their own separate needs. Garrett aptly ca ptures the issueTactically, all aspects of legal profession and treatment should be part of an integrated effort, drawing from countries finite pools of health talent to tackle all monsters at once, rather than dueling separately with individual dragons. 5Given limited resources, in the international sense as well as in the domestic, the pooling of these same resources is the best solution to the problem of both global and local health. The vision of individual nations should be deepen to not only address their own problems but they should start to bring in the relevance in investing in a global perspective in answering health issues. Certainly, with a view of the same, advances will be made not only for short circumstance goals of fending off suspect diseases in certain nations but more so the long term goal of eradicating debilitating diseases that could potentially reappear in similar conditions or in evolved forms.The answer then is to prepare internationally for the proble m of global health as the strengthening of individual platforms in individual nations will address the root issue of recurring conditions. This will serve not only to strengthen the global health system but even other sectors of concern such as trade and global transaction as more and more countries invest in programs reflecting amity and gratuity.BIBILIOGRAPHYCheck, Erika, interest for the Cure, external Policy, (2006) 28-36.Garrett, Laurie, The Challenge of worldwide Health, Foreign Affairs 86(1), (2007) 14-38.Naim, Moises and Brundtland, Gro Harlem, The FP Interview The Global War for earthly concern Health, Foreign Policy 128, (2002) 24-36.Osterholm, Michael T., Unprepared for a Pandemic, Foreign Affairs 86(2), (2007) 47-57.Zacher, Mark W., Global Epidemiological Surveillance, in Inge Kaw, Isabelle Grunberg, and Marc A. Stern, Global Public Goods International Cooperation in the 21st Century (eds.), (1999), NY UNAP.
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